New or Old?

redneck E

redneck E
May 8, 2009
Dexter, Michigan
Wii Online Code
What get's your juices going? Weather it's Atari 2600 or anything newer what would you rather or old?
I'm more of an old-school gamer, for sure. I love playing Ristar, the Genesis Sonic games, MGS 1-3 (especially MGS1), ZOE1-2, old street fighters like Capcom vs. SNK, etc.

I love the recent stuff (recently played RE5. Fantastic.)...but it's rare for me to be motivated to buy games these days. The only other game I am completely convinced I want to buy is MGS4, but I would probably need a PS3 first, haha.
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I'm more of an old-school gamer, for sure. I love playing Ristar, the Genesis Sonic games, MGS 1-3 (especially MGS1), ZOE1-2, old street fighters like Capcom vs. SNK, etc.

I love the recent stuff (recently played RE5. Fantastic.)...but it's rare for me to be motivated to buy games these days. The only other game I am completely convinced I want to buy is MGS4, but I would probably need a PS3 first, haha.

I am right with you man.............................
What get's your juices going?
Sex and video games?

Kinda gives a new meaning to the words "Link up"

Speaking of sex any video games anyone played the medias current fave game Rapelay?

I did and it was ****

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