What did you lose your gaming virginity on...

redneck E

redneck E
May 8, 2009
Dexter, Michigan
Wii Online Code
If you all can remember, what was the first game that you were hooked on? I am a bit old and go all the way back to the Atari 2600. Space Invaders and Pac-Man.
I cant remember
It was probably Space invaders with out the stick(I was stood on a crate)
Or it could of been this Binatone ive got here
If you all can remember, what was the first game that you were hooked on? I am a bit old and go all the way back to the Atari 2600. Space Invaders and Pac-Man.

For some reason I missed 'gaming' when I read the title...


(The 2600 port of Pacman is shitty)
Had an NES first but really got into gaming when I got a Sega Genesis back in 94
From what I can recall, it was Super Mario Bros. on the NES. I'm guessing it was SMP though to be honest, but it was definitely something on the NES.

Such simpler times.
For me it was Haunted House on the Atari 2600. I really loved that thing even though I was still young and couldn't quite understand what I was doing.

Another game I remember playing alot was some game called "Hunt the Wumpus" for the TI-99/4A. If your interested in what I'm talking about you can google the game, there's plenty of flash versions of it out there.
Thread revival?

My gamings years only go back to the NES (which I don't even remember playing these days =/), my first game being Super Mario Bros., I remember that much. The first game I was addicted to, was Pokemon Red. Ah, the days back when pokemon was much more awesome... good times.
^Lol, it makes me think of a Weird Al song every time I hear commodore 64...
"You're Commodore 64 is really neato. What kind of chip you got in there, a Dorito?

My first game was either The Legend of Zelda on NES, or Monopoly on SNES. I can't remember, but I think it was Zelda... Used to play that with my grandad all the time.
Pokemon blue found in my brothers bedroom along with a gameboy pocket,
maybe if i hadn't found it i wouldnt be a nerd rejected by society we shall never know

oh and Zelda:eek:carina of time hooked me until i had finished it for the 7th time
and now i have twilight which i found to be horrid compared to ocarina especially considering it was made like 10 years later
for me it would be on the Spectrum 48k - Jet set willy or Manic Miner or even chuckie egg 1&2 ,god knows it could even be Bruce Lee or scuba diver - i had so many speccy games in the 80's that got me into gaming,i have been hooked ever since.

(glad cassettes are dead though!)

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