New Pokemon EventS Announced!


The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Jan 25, 2009
Nimbasa City
Wii Online Code
Well, I did this for Darkrai, soooo..

Hey, you heard it right. We all should know about the special regigigas event which in platinum unlocks the caves for Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, right? You should also know about the Shaymin event which unlocked Glacidia's flower in platinum, which is the only way to access Skymin, right? Well, you'll be pleased to hear this.

Both a Shaymin and Regigigas(at lv. 100! o.o)have been announced to be occuring at Toys R Us very soon! If you havn't been keeping track of Serebii, a Shaymin giveaway event is scheduled to inniciate at Toys R Us around the US in which you can transfer a free Shaymin to your Diamond or Pearl! The same goes with the special regigigas at a later date after the Shaymin event!

As I noted earlier, these pokes are special and activate otherwise inaccesible features in Platinum, once they are traded from your Diamond or Pearl, OVER to your Platinum. Now, onto the juicy details!

The Shaymin download will begin February 8th, which isn't very far off! The downloading will cease on the February 14th, which gives everyone a hearty six days to retrieve their legendary. The Regigigas event lasts even longer, starting March 8th, and ending all the way up to March 21st - right before Platinum's release. Aside from release dates of the events, here are the known details of the pokemon!

EDIT 2: Regigigas' information has also been confirmed!

Regigigas: Lv. 100 Holding a Custap Berry
ID No.: 03089
OT: Tru
Ball: Cherish
Nature: Random

Crush Grip
Iron Head
Icy Wind
Rock Slide

Note: This Regigigas has no Classic Ribbon oddly enough, meaning it can be traded on GTS.

EDIT: Shaymin's stats are now confirmed!

Shaymin: Lv. 50 Holds a Micle Berry
ID No.: 02089
Ball: Cherish
Special Ribbon: Classic(no trading on GTS!)
Nature: Random

Moveset(no exclusive moves, sorry) :
Seed Flare
Energy Ball

Also, never fret people without DP! I will gladly give anyone who doesn't own the games currently/couldn't make it an absolutely free clone of any event missed, whether it's a Darkrai or etc. Even if it's just a petty Dragonite from the last event, if you want it, come to me! :) Anyways, that's the event data. Begin discussion/commenting!
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Nice... gonna have to nerd it up and go to Toys R Us again. (I went for Darkrai) :lol: That's sweet that it's not 1 or 2 day only like Darkrai was. Now... what is this business about Regigigas being at Lv. 100? If that's correct then it can't be EV trained at all except by use of Calcium, Carbos, Protein, Iron, Zinc, or HP Up. And THEN each stat would be limited to 100 EVs. Kinda lame. But I guess it's okay, I'm more interested in Shaymin anyways. Also, wtf is a Custap Berry? There's tons of berries in D&P that I have never even heard of. o_O I didn't know there was a release date set for Platinum either. :eek:!
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It's true, not being able to truly EV train Regigigas is lame, but it's not exactly the best poke for competitive battles either, so I honestly don't really care. Makes it more attractive to n00bs that it's such a high lv. anyways, might get me a better bargain from random idiots. :lol:

Hahah, the Custap and Micle berries are completely unobtainable in-game, and I believe you can't get them via Battle Revolution either, they're pressumed event pokemon-attached only berries, there's other berries like this too(like the Rowap). Both berries activate when the holder's HP is 25% or less. Custap berry gives you the exact effect of a quick claw, always move first in the same priority bracket regardless or speed, although on the next turn it activates 100% of the time, rather than Quick Claw's random 30%.

The micle berry raises the accuracy of the following move to 100+%, meaning the move will ALWAYS hit. A devastating combination with speedy pokes that know OHKO moves - a good reason OHKO moves are banned. Baton pass a lot of speed(Ninjask, anyone?)to a bulky sweeper, sweep a bit to whittle your HP down(endure, substitute, or even recoil moves), then OHKO. Deadly combination, yeah?

Oh, Platinum has had a set date for about a month. As you probably figured out, March 22nd. :D Reserve it at gamestop/EB games with haste! :p
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Well, I did this for Darkrai, soooo..

Hey, you heard it right. We all should know about the special regigigas event which in platinum unlocks the caves for Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, right? You should also know about the Shaymin event which unlocked Glacidia's flower in platinum, which is the only way to access Skymin, right? Well, you'll be pleased to hear this.

Both a Shaymin and Regigigas(at lv. 100! o.o)have been announced to be occuring at Toys R Us very soon! If you havn't been keeping track of Serebii, a Shaymin giveaway event is scheduled to inniciate at Toys R Us around the US in which you can transfer a free Shaymin to your Diamond or Pearl! The same goes with the special regigigas at a later date after the Shaymin event!

As I noted earlier, these pokes are special and activate otherwise inaccesible features in Platinum, once they are traded from your Diamond or Pearl, OVER to your Platinum. Now, onto the juicy details!

The Shaymin download will begin February 8th, which isn't very far off! The downloading will cease on the February 14th, which gives everyone a hearty six days to retrieve their legendary. The Regigigas event lasts even longer, starting March 8th, and ending all the way up to March 21st - right before Platinum's release. Aside from release dates of the events, here are the known details of the pokemon!

Regigigas: Lv. 100 Most likely holding a Custap Berry
ID No.: Unknown
OT: Unknown(I won't be suprised if it's TRU)
Ball: Cherish
Crush Grip
Iron Head
Icy Wind
Rock Slide

Shaymin: Most likely Lv. 50 Most likely holding a Micle Berry
ID No.: Unknown
OT: Unknown(Again, won't be suprised if it's TRU)
Ball: Cherish
Special Ribbon: Classic(no trading on GTS!)
Seed Flare
Energy Ball

Well, that's all the data I've accumulated so far. If you can confirm ANYTHING not shown yet/something unsure, please do comment. Also, never fret people without DP! I will gladly give anyone who doesn't own the games currently/couldn't make it an absolutely free clone of any event missed, whether it's a Darkrai or etc. Even if it's just a petty Dragonite from the last event, if you want it, come to me! :) Anyways, that's the event data. Begin discussion/commenting!

Ok i definitely want that darkrai so i want to trade you someday.were there any other legendarys given away?

& cool thanks for the info i've wanted regigigas for awhile now just never got the three regi's :/ since i don't own ruby or saphire.

.....& yes i wanna catch them all! :lol: 420 & counting.
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420 eh? Pretty good Birdmaster, but I've got you beat with 493(although I needed to borrow from a friend to get Shaymin/Arceus). :lol:

Only Darkrai and Manaphy were given away recently, both of which I've got in my posession. :) A special(although boring)Dragonite was given away too. Oh, I just remembered, some Deoxys were given away at Gamestop too, I've got two. :D Speaking of that, if you're struggling to complete your dex due to rare 3rd gen only pokes like Mew or Ho-Oh, I can definatly help there. With a clone here and there, you'll catch the literally uncatchable in no time, yeah? :thumbsup:

By the way.. Anyone like my Trainer Card? Took forever to make it, due to tons of errors and going back and forth between the internet. -.-; While all the materials were premade, I hand-arranged everything myself, t'was a pain in the ass. Converting it into a liable file and then putting in on Photobucket really killed the quality, sadly.. Those 5 pokes are my favorites, btw, not the real team.
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Good to have everyone back, yeah? ..Well, except for all the now-nonexistant data. -.-

Niether can I BRizer, niether can I.. You should check the new(replacement..)pokemon social group for an awesome tidbit on Platinum. Speaking of Platinum.. Poor Sparx, his thread's hard work is all gone. Hopefully he backed it up..
420 eh? Pretty good Birdmaster, but I've got you beat with 493(although I needed to borrow from a friend to get Shaymin/Arceus). :lol:

Only Darkrai and Manaphy were given away recently, both of which I've got in my posession. :) A special(although boring)Dragonite was given away too. Oh, I just remembered, some Deoxys were given away at Gamestop too, I've got two. :D Speaking of that, if you're struggling to complete your dex due to rare 3rd gen only pokes like Mew or Ho-Oh, I can definatly help there. With a clone here and there, you'll catch the literally uncatchable in no time, yeah? :thumbsup:

By the way.. Anyone like my Trainer Card? Took forever to make it, due to tons of errors and going back and forth between the internet. -.-; While all the materials were premade, I hand-arranged everything myself, t'was a pain in the ass. Converting it into a liable file and then putting in on Photobucket really killed the quality, sadly.. Those 5 pokes are my favorites, btw, not the real team.

I'll definitely want Manaphy,arceus,mew,ho-oh & Deoxys :D

Btw is that all the pokemon?
493 i mean?
Or is there more?
not really sure since i haven't played in ages but i would definitely like to complete the pokedex.
Let me see what crazy rare pokemon i need.

Edit:Just thought of celebi do you have it?
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Yeah, 493 is the full dex.

I do have two Celebi, but they're both GTS-obtained, and their ID numbers don't check out.. [/sob] In other words, I highly doubt they're legal. I'd give you one if you wanted, ofcourse. No way I'm deleting them though, I traded them fair and square. x.o

Anyways, if you need a legendary or an ultra-rare poke like Milotic(..pain in the arse to get, y'know? I've got two), come to me. I'll gladly help! :thumbsup: Even if it's not rare but just version only, if I have one/can breed you one, I'll gladly do so.

Oh, and by the way, do you have a Ditto? You'll need one to breed yourself a Phione from a Manaphy. If not I can send you a Ditto/a phione/both.
Lv. X
A Pokemon TCG(Card) Rare.

And they add moves and hp to a Pokemon.

<---My avatar is

My Lv. X Shaymin from (Platinum TCG) I recieved from the Pre-Release 1/31 for Feb 11th Release Datefor the cards.

Its worth about $40 Buy it Now.
And people were still bidding..
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Ahh, I see. ..What does the TCG have to do with this, though? >.>;

$40? Sh*t, when did pokemon cards increase in value like that?

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