New Wiimote and sensor bar info


Apr 30, 2006
This months N-Gamer magazine has revealed some new information in regards to the Wii's controller and sensor bar.

The Wiimote is to take 2 AA batteries and turn them into 60 hours of gameplay. Should the player be using the sensor bar, however, then the time is cut in half to 30 hours.

Also, the 6kb of internal memory confirmed to be included in the Wiimote is going to be used to "personalize your remote," which we assume is code for "store profile settings."

As for the sensor bar, the magazine states that the previous version that was seen at E3 has been made smaller. The magazine compares the size to that of a "couple of pencils glued together."

They also speak some on the use of SD cards, reiterating that they will be used to house Virtual Console titles. The problem is that you may not play them on another Wii. They refer to this as "Digital Rights Management."

damn it so i have to spend 40 bucks to HOLD a virtual console game ON TOP of buying the virtual console game?!?! OUTRAGE I SAY, and what controller prefs could it save, i know left or right handed, but err maybe like how far your ussualy away from the tv and possibly motion senseitivity settings!?
Wii-mote’s 6kb of internal memory “personalises your remote - potentially storing things like sensitivity, y-axis settings for FPSs, and even scores and saves.”

The Wiimote is to take 2 AA batteries and turn them into 60 hours of gameplay. Should the player be using the sensor bar, however, then the time is cut in half to 30 hours.

So what Wii games won't use the sensor bar? Virtual Consoles games?
meh and liek Super Smash Bros Brawl, they will make em (BRAWL better be played with the VC instead of GC!)
Sovieto said:
meh and liek Super Smash Bros Brawl, they will make em (BRAWL better be played with the VC instead of GC!)

Yeah I agree, because I never bought a Gamecube, and don't want to buy Gamecube controllers for just Super Smash. But I may have to end up buying some Gamecube controllers anyway, because I chose not to get a Gamecube, and I missed quite a few awesome games. And I especially want HM: Magical Melody for Cube.
Taxidous said:
So what Wii games won't use the sensor bar? Virtual Consoles games?
Yeah, that's correct, atleast for the games that came from previous consoles like the NES, SNES, and N64 games. However, there will be new franchises created for VC by independent developers, which could use the sensor bar.

i0n said:
As for the sensor bar, the magazine states that the previous version that was seen at E3 has been made smaller. The magazine compares the size to that of a "couple of pencils glued together."
I thought the sensor bar was already smaller than that?

Here's a pic posted on this site of the sensor bar:


Isn't that smaller than two pencil's placed end to end?
:rolleyes: well acording to ngamer mag it 4 inchs and the remote has 60 hours if you dont twist shake or tilt it well that woul be dull to save batteries:rolleyes:

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