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WiiChat Member
Aug 3, 2006
I haven't played console games regularly since the Super Nintendo. I do own a PS 2 though. It just sits there, collecting dust. It gets louder every time I turn it on.

The Wii may just be the thing to pull me back form PC gaming (which I do very little of, compared to hardcore gamers).

I am full of hope that the controller will be the first small step to a non-sedentary game playing style (what virtual reality will eventually become). I almost wish that the controllers allowed for motion sensors in each hand.

I'm crossing my fingers for a MMORPG of quality to make it into Nintendo's lineup of games.

Well, that's my story in a nut shell. Hopefully it comes out soon. And better yet, hopefully I'm able to order a machine before 2007 due to shortages . . . as there are always shortages.


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You don't have to convince me.

I'm already convinced. I'm turning 30 this year and remember when Nintendo came out when I was around 10. It was amazing. From a nostalgia standpoint, Nintendo has already won me over.

My wife wouldn't dare let me spend $600.00 on a system. I'm going to watch the 360 and the PS3 but for now, they are not an option. Even if they were Nintendo has me.

The controller sells me entirely. VR has been around forever (or the idea) but it kind of just died in terms of consumer possibilities. Even though it is a small step, I think Nintendo understands what "next generation" should mean. Faster, better, and stronger aren't necessarily the qualities of next generation.

Anway, it's all speculation. Hope I can pick up a console soon and find some games of my preferred genres.

Thanks for the welcome,

Nice intro, welcome to the forums Jeremy hope you enjoy your time here :)
You are a smart guy JD, welcome to the forums! My PS 2 also collects dust :p
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I can't give you the source . . .

I can't exactly give you the source . . . but I'm sure I've read that the age of the average gamer is somewhere around 30. I was under the impression that we were driving the market.


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Thanks everyone. Waiting for releases is a terrible thing. Been in this position a million times. :)
Welcome! My PS2 is getting worse too, although I use it a lot. And I'm hoping for a good MMO for the Wii as well. Anyway, hope you enjoy the forums.
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