Nintendo has Demos in the making?!?!


the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
Wii Online Code

found this.. interesting, could be a hint from nintendo. So something must happen with demos. Why would they ask these questions if they didnt have any intentions of making a demo??? Hopefully we will find out soon!! ( i attached the questions)

Nintendo Power sweepstakes talks about Wii demos
Reader Popple noticed something interesting in the latest Nintendo Power sweepstakes. There are a few questions you have to answer in order to return your entry form, and this time around NP is asking about your thoughts on demos for the Wii. Check out the scan below to see what questions are being asked.


  • scande.jpg
    52 KB · Views: 157
Seems Nintendo sees potential in the Demo market, however they seem a bit unsure how well it will take.

Glad to see Nintendo at least willing to move in the direction of online, and figured it would take a successful competitor run (XBox Live) before they'd venture the idea again since SNES modem disaster. They just need to stop being so cautious and move forward, ONLINE. :)

(Note: I realize that they are "in-process"...)
Yea that would be awesome for like downloadable demos of your wii or something.
Question E. angers me though.

Why would we pay, so that they can advertise the games they want to sell us? That's like if supermarkets charged people for the free samples. It's absurd. The only way I'd pay is if it was ridiculously cheap, a dollar or less for a permanent playable demo.

PS: Pettite's a juicer. That's why him and clemens were so tight.
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
hhmmmmmmmmmm.......... could this be the surprise from NINTENDO at the end of september like reggie mentioned?? :)

pm/post up the link plzz
lol where have you guys been. This is old news ! Not to say that it will be mighty cool !!!

Im unsure on how I think they are going to do it: Free or pay. Maybe with an account or so. like a premium account or something. I do hope that they will be free of charge. Would give yet another mayor reason to buy a wii if youre in to games.