Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360?

What is your brilliant input on this subject Sovieto. You keep making remarks about what everyone else has to say, without any of your own input. Your doing a good job of helping this kid decide which console to choose.
If u want a system for great online play... Just go with the 360.... period... I am not gonna be fanboyish.... Wii's online has yet to prove itself a good online system
Whats the deal with pc gamers thinking that aiming is terrible on controllers, sure its easier with the mouse but after a few days it becomes natural to aim with the controller.

Anyway, back on topic. At first I bought a wii and had fun with it for about half a year, started to get bored and I slowly used it less and less. I then bought a 360 and sold my wii a few months later. I'd say get a 360 for some epic multiplayer & games, but if you're unsure do some research and find games that you like on whatever console.
highroller said:
Wii = more family oriented gaming
360 or PS3 = more hardcore gaming (more adult content)

Best games are for the 360
Wii is the most solid console in terms of hardware
PS3, excellent but there are not as many games for the PS3

The PSP is another good choice (best handheld console in all apects)

Remember games dont have to be packed with adult content to be hardcore. And DS owns PSP anyday btw.
360 until the Wii gets some good 3rd party devs
i have both but i guess i lucked out a bit there
since this is a nintendo forum, let me just give you a biased answer by saying you should get the wii.
bruceleroy said:
I would say buy a wii first because it's cheaper, reliable, dependable, and different. You can buy a 360 in a few months when they come out with a better version with blu-ray because they need to compete with Sony. If you buy a 360 first like right now, a newer better version will be out soon and you just wasted your loot. You won't be dissapointed with the wii since you like Brawl. Plus there's Mario Galaxy where you can defy gravity, then grapple and shoot with Metroid, blow up zombies heads into pieces w/ RE4, fly and drift w/ Excite Truck, box, bowl, and slap some tennis balls w/ your granny or girlfriend if you have one w/ Wii Sports, Mario Strikers Charged even if you don't like soccer, slice your foes with the wiimote in Zelda, jump from 2d to 3d in Paper Mario, old skool VC Nintendo Games, become a genius w/ Big Brain and Zack n Wiki, shoot light gun arcade style w/ RE:UC, House of the Dead, Ghost Squad, the list goes on....

The Blu-ray will be external just like the HD player, no one will have to rebuy 360's to use it.

Btw I also think controllers are fine. Like Sovieto said its been used for years now and its fine. I actually played alot of CS 1.6 on steam alot using a mouse and I like the controller just fine. Infact ive gotten so used to it I aim alot better with the controller than I do with a mouse. The only downside to the controller over the mouse so far is how fast you can move. I can react and shoot people just as fast, but I can't turn as fast which is useful when getting shot in the back.

Besides, Controllers are more simple to use. I don't have to worry about being forced to use a very immobile keyboard and mouse. I can sit anywhere with my controller or even stand up.
bruceleroy said:
I would say buy a wii first because it's cheaper, reliable, dependable, and different. You can buy a 360 in a few months when they come out with a better version with blu-ray because they need to compete with Sony. If you buy a 360 first like right now, a newer better version will be out soon and you just wasted your loot. You won't be dissapointed with the wii since you like Brawl. Plus there's Mario Galaxy where you can defy gravity, then grapple and shoot with Metroid, blow up zombies heads into pieces w/ RE4, fly and drift w/ Excite Truck, box, bowl, and slap some tennis balls w/ your granny or girlfriend if you have one w/ Wii Sports, Mario Strikers Charged even if you don't like soccer, slice your foes with the wiimote in Zelda, jump from 2d to 3d in Paper Mario, old skool VC Nintendo Games, become a genius w/ Big Brain and Zack n Wiki, shoot light gun arcade style w/ RE:UC, House of the Dead, Ghost Squad, the list goes on....
theres no zombies in RE4....
bruceleroy said:
I would say buy a wii first because it's cheaper, reliable, dependable, and different. You can buy a 360 in a few months when they come out with a better version with blu-ray because they need to compete with Sony. If you buy a 360 first like right now, a newer better version will be out soon and you just wasted your loot. You won't be dissapointed with the wii since you like Brawl. Plus there's Mario Galaxy where you can defy gravity, then grapple and shoot with Metroid, blow up zombies heads into pieces w/ RE4, fly and drift w/ Excite Truck, box, bowl, and slap some tennis balls w/ your granny or girlfriend if you have one w/ Wii Sports, Mario Strikers Charged even if you don't like soccer, slice your foes with the wiimote in Zelda, jump from 2d to 3d in Paper Mario, old skool VC Nintendo Games, become a genius w/ Big Brain and Zack n Wiki, shoot light gun arcade style w/ RE:UC, House of the Dead, Ghost Squad, the list goes on....
I highly doubt Microsoft would eve bring out a 360 with a blu ray drive. How would they get it to read both 360 games aswell as blu ray movies ?
cannon said:
I highly doubt Microsoft would eve bring out a 360 with a blu ray drive. How would they get it to read both 360 games aswell as blu ray movies ?
How do they get it to read 360 and the current HDDVD they support?
Easy its an add on disk drive with a simple software update. The 360 doesn't use HDDVD for its games its an add on to it as Blu-ray would be. MS has already said they would support Blu-ray on the 360 if it wins the HD disk war. They can do this by add on or by putting it right into the console fromt he start. Simple.
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stoopkid18 said:
What is your brilliant input on this subject Sovieto. You keep making remarks about what everyone else has to say, without any of your own input. Your doing a good job of helping this kid decide which console to choose.
ask anyone in the video game media and theres my answer.