Noob/Newb/Flame Read.


Aug 6, 2006
Hey guys, I've been seeing questions here that point out its a newb/noob question, and that they don't want to be flamed or anything. Its ALLLLRIGHTTT! If anything, we will praise you for using this section, every question is just a question on something you don't know and want clear, no one minds. And this section is not ONLY for newbs/noobs. It's for everyone! Please get that straight that this is a section for EVERYONE! So you don't need to mention all this: It's a newb Q stuff, its not newb, you want to learn, we understand! :) Just keep posting your questions here, NO ONE will flame you or call you a newb/noob! :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:
I have no question but i just want to say!! GOOD JOB!! its nice with this thread theirs no stupid or good question and I'm with you the whole way...
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LoL, great question, but you should have created its own thread.

(US PRICES, Sorry)
Dosn't matter i can easly just change them to wtv price diffrence in us and canada...for n64 thats awsome im getting my self some games...wii is so great...
Sovieto said:
LoL, great question, but you should have created its own thread.

(US PRICES, Sorry)
Damn... thats pretty expensive for me...
Sovieto said:
LoL, great question, but you should have created its own thread.

(US PRICES, Sorry)

I don't walk around with thousands of dollars in my pockets, goddamit! xD
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jenzah said:
What price would it go down to?
Like of course it will be a lot when it first comes out.

Thoes prices are set to stay. They won't go down just because their old after coming out. Games go down from their new price, these games have already been made and everything is pretty much pure profit for Nintendo. Perhaps there will be some cases but no games will go down in price just because they have been out for awhile.
i personally will be buying mostly nes games because i had 2 older sisters(one that was actually a pretty good gamer) and they only bought a snes and i kinda missed that console.( i bought an n64 and gamecube my self) So i will be catching up by getting those games
Sovieto said:
Hey guys, I've been seeing questions here that point out its a newb/noob question, and that they don't want to be flamed or anything. Its ALLLLRIGHTTT! If anything, we will praise you for using this section, every question is just a question on something you don't know and want clear, no one minds. And this section is not ONLY for newbs/noobs. It's for everyone! Please get that straight that this is a section for EVERYONE! So you don't need to mention all this: It's a newb Q stuff, its not newb, you want to learn, we understand! :) Just keep posting your questions here, NO ONE will flame you or call you a newb/noob! :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:

Indeed :D


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