Ocarina of time w/GamceCube controller


WiiChat Member
Apr 26, 2009
OK, bear with me, I'm new to the wii, and never had a GC or N64. I just downloaded OOT for the virtual console, and have been trying to play it with a GC controller. I figured out the issues with the buttons being different colors and in different places, etc. I just got the shield for the first time, and equipped it, and now I'm permanently in attack mode (I don't know how else to describe it). If I don't touch everything, Link is crouched down with the shield up (I can move it with the stick). If I hold the left shoulder button (which I believe corresponds to the Z button, for targeting) he stands up, but is still holding the shield up. The R shoulder button doesn't do anything.

Am I missing something? Is the R button Broken, maybe? It was working a little while ago, but I don't really have a way to test it now.

On a second note, is the GC controller the way to go, or should I get a classic controller? Thanks.
your R button is broken. you must fix it or get a new controller.

and control scheme doesn't really change much, so use what you want. i use classic for instance
I use a PS2 pad converter for all of my none wiimote games as the gamecube pad isnt ideal for most games due to the button layout
Yeah, go with the classic controller attatchment.
Those crazy shoulder buttons on the GC controller! Why do they push WAY in before they activate?
I remember when I first got the 'Cube, and I was like "Woah, these must be fancy analog buttons that sense how far they are pushed in!"
Nope. Turns out they never do anything special. Sucks yours broke.
Other than the springy shoulder buttons though, I love the controller. It's great for OOT IMO.