Officail conduit tornament thread ( and friend codes )


The conduit!
Nov 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi, I will be hosting tornaments in The conduit. I do one every once in a while and I will update this thread daily to keep u in touch of tornaments times. Here is the requirements:

1. Must have wii and conduit
2. Must have wii conection 24 (wifi)
3. Must have wii friend code and conduit friend code posted on ur reply
4. Must reply if you want to play in tornament on wii message board.
5. Wii speak oppsional.
6. Limit is 12 people per tornament.
7. Winner get posted on this thread (I will say secound and third place too)
8. I will say what type of game and wepon set we will be doing on the times for the tornament (map too).
9. If you vote diffrenr type of game then planned then u will not particapate.
10. Have fun

Next tornament:

July 7th
9:00 pm (USA west coast time)
game mode: capture the flag/ marathon
wepon set: human
map: pentagon

Conduit code: 5199 0346 4314
wii code: 2203 4010 4880 5050

put yours down to particapate .
My name is shadow in the conduit and I am the leader of the tornaments.
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Oh and btw I might get wii speak tommorrow
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Lol, u pop up on all my threads with the word "conduit" in it.
Lol, u pop up on all my threads with the word "conduit" in it.
Note the usage of the word "threads" meaning more than one.

But more than one is a bit of a understatement.
There should only be three threads of this game: one for misc. stuff aka the official thread; one for errors, glitches, troubleshooting; and one for fc's/tournies. However there are OVER 9000 for any little thing, please guys, use the search button or stalk the forums. Oh btw Prinny since you're online so much why don't you apply for being a mod?
On topic, I would apply for the tourny but I'm not as beast as I was in WaW, but maybe next time. Also just go to for tournies and stuff.
btw Prinny since you're online so much why don't you apply for being a mod?
We should have more mods.

But the owner of the site dosent seem to be arsed about his own site.
(This has been discussed elsewhere).
We should have more mods.

But the owner of the site dosent seem to be arsed about his own site.
(This has been discussed elsewhere).

Yeah, almost all the mods are gone, which is why there are 40+ TC threads
I guess with iON no matter what some one says to all the threads/etc nothing can be done.
I would like to join but I'm not good at all :S maybe if the rest is as noob as I am :p

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