Official Photo Album

ARav989 said:
*looks at wrists and whats playing on my ipod* uhh...yeah what you said!


i PMed Syntax..

Haha, I HAVE NEVER CUT!!! Lol even kids that aren't at all emo have cut and i have never cut in my life...sides for jokes like dig at my wrist till it turns red haha
lol im suprised you actually know a line from a song. lol my turn

*depressed voice* i miss you so much, a self inflicted coma, the days drag on like a marathon..running through my head..when i feel the lonely and depressed, i picture you, in the dress, you wore 4 weeks ago....*depressed voice*

is it bad i know that so well?
ARav989 said:
lol im suprised you actually know a line from a song. lol my turn

*depressed voice* i miss you so much, a self inflicted coma, the days drag on like a marathon..running through my head..when i feel the lonely and depressed, i picture you, in the dress, you wore 4 weeks ago....*depressed voice*

is it bad i know that so well?

^^ Haha what is that from???^^
ARav989 said:
lol im suprised you actually know a line from a song. lol my turn

*depressed voice* i miss you so much, a self inflicted coma, the days drag on like a marathon..running through my head..when i feel the lonely and depressed, i picture you, in the dress, you wore 4 weeks ago....*depressed voice*

is it bad i know that so well?
haha, I only know it because my friend always imitates it. Its so funny.
Hawthorne Heights is a great band!

Btw guys..a great lose just happened within Hawthorne Heights..the lead guitarist, Casey Calvert, died in his sleep last week. AND TO YOU STEREOTYPING IDIOTS! NO, HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF!
ARav989 said:
Hawthorne Heights is a great band!

Btw guys..a great lose just happened within Hawthorne Heights..the lead guitarist, Casey Calvert, died in his sleep last week. AND TO YOU STEREOTYPING IDIOTS! NO, HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF!

OMG!! i know thats so sad...My friend keeps saying he was overdosing on purpose cause its a emo band...
ARav989 said:
Hawthorne Heights is a great band!

Btw guys..a great lose just happened within Hawthorne Heights..the lead guitarist, Casey Calvert, died in his sleep last week. AND TO YOU STEREOTYPING IDIOTS! NO, HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF!
I heard about that on Friday.

My friends kept saying that he cut himself to death. I felt bad for the guy.