On #5 Yay!!=(


WiiChat Member
Feb 15, 2007
Yes you heard right. My elite which is # 4 Died last week. It was made in February of 08. Sucks and im venting. Worst console hardware EVER!!!! And spare me if your going to say "i don't take care of it etc" cause that is bullshit
Unlucky :lol:

On my second after about 1 year and a half.
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ya i know sucks. I thought that new elite would be the end all. Well when that ****ER gets sent back im selling it and buying an arcade jasper. If that RROD. You will see 200+ xbox 360 games for sale on ebay
Wow, that is some bad luck.

I bought mine used about a year ago and it's still going strong...
yeah, sorry to hear that.

after having several red ring issues my first xbox finally crapped out after a year give or take. im on 2 and its been good to me so far.
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I really do hope all of you guys' xbox 360's stay alive and well. I wish this on know one, And knock on wood you guys didn't jinx yourself.=).This is the third RROD. 1 was a bad disc drive DRE issue. Nonetheless still had to send it in. My PS3 and Wii (Wii fit for my gf) are getting ALOT more playtime. Shitty thing is if i didn't have literally thousands upon thousands of dollars in games and accessories i would just sell it and stick with the PS3 and Wii but i can't.=(
ya i know sucks. I thought that new elite would be the end all. Well when that ****ER gets sent back im selling it and buying an arcade jasper. If that RROD. You will see 200+ xbox 360 games for sale on ebay

i read that as you having over 200 games for it.... ?

thats alot of games, seems like you are just wearing them out ;)

(obviously im kidding, hardware shouldnt just die..)
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ya im a big gamer..all 3 consoles...not just a xbox fanboy...
Don't feel too bad I'm on number 4 right now. Waiting for it to crap out on me. If it wasn't the best console for online gaming, I'm not sure I'd put up with it.
If you want to keep it from overheating just keep it off carpet and keep part of it elevated a little bit. Keeping it off the ground really keeps it an incredible amount cooler.
pretty unluck i guess.

got number 1 at launch. broke down june 08, got number 2 worked ever since.

my mates well.

mate 1 - got on launch, broke down January 07, second broke down 2 weeks later, then a month later (he got compensation of 2 free games from Microsoft worth it? up to you to decide) then its worked fine untile last xmas, broke. so he bought himself an elite.

Mate 2 - january 07, broke down xmas 08, new one lasted fine.

i know LOADS of people in my local area with 360's and i only know about 2 who havent had RROD but theres arent even that old XMAS
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Im a big technophile. I know how to take care of my stuff. I wonder why all my other consoles are working just fine including the old xbox,dreamcast,fat ps2,wii,ps3,psp,DS.etc. Its the console not me. Like i said though. Im going to buy a jasper arcade as soon as i get mine back and hopefully be done with it. I have had 3 RROD not 4. 1 was a DRE.
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Damn, that's unlucky.

I'm on my first, had it since August, but it's a 2006 model. (bought it used)
It's never been sent into M$ as far as I can tell...
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Hurry and leave the thread before you jinx yourself.lol JK. seriously though if any of you guys who have said theres is still going strong, WHEN yours dies you have to make a thread, DEAL?
Deal, but that won't happen.
I hope...:scared:

I've taken some extra precautions:

notebook chill pad. :D

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