Online service


WiiChat Member
May 12, 2006
I've been wondering this awhile, has anyone heard if the downloadable service is going to be free, or are you going to have to buy the old school games. I think that if the wii is like 200 or 250 then the service is free, but if wii is like 150 or so, you might have to buy the games. Please if anyone knows anything reply.
I guessing you'll have to buy the old school games no matter what the price is. It will be interesting how much nintendo will sell there old school games for.
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Now is that an opinion or fact, because it seems a little soon to be saying.
wiiwanter12 said:
i just read at (sorry can't find the link again) but they said that the downloads will be free... sorry again now link
I'll be heaps excited if that's true. :p

*crosses fingers*
Riviet said:
I'll be heaps excited if that's true. :p

*crosses fingers*

I totally agree with you Riviet. I just cant see Nintendo giving away all those games for free. Imagine how much money will be made off of selling Virtual Console games. It will work something like ringtones on phones. <-- Big money maker.
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If Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade is anything to go by, we might be paying about £3-8 ($5-15) per game, as an estimate, which isn't too bad.
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Let's just hope that if they are priced that their cheap, because I have a feeling also that their going to be a big seller.
I have heard about this on other site but nothing about price it will be cool to be able to play the old time games which you can not find anymore.
The Wii will have an online system some what similar to xbox live but not as great and serious as xbox live is.
It will do the basic information and stats.
I am not totally sure how it will be.
I think personally itll be like the 360 marketplace. Ull have to buy some points to download the old nes games ect or pay about £4 each. But thats for the classic game for the onine gaing side of it i think theyll make there service free. I hope

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