The Future of Wii Online?


WiiChat Member
Apr 10, 2007
I'm just wondering how people think Nintendo's online service will develop over time.

When you compare their current service to an established and successful service like Xbox Live (XBL) it's clear that there is so much more that can (and needs to) be done.

As online multiplayer is soon to be introduced surely a better method of managing 'friends' can't be far behind? Along with better communications (voice comms)? And being able to see what games your friends have been playing and checking their progress/scores?

And how about some kind of integrated online service like Maybe just for checking your Wii messages online and checking what your ‘friends’ are up to. Or eventually I'd love to see something along the lines of what Microsoft and Turn 10 are introducing with the release of Forza 2 where there will be a dedicated web site directly linked to XBL offering leader boards, car auctions, tournaments etc.

I think theres so much that can be done I’m genuinely excited to see what Nintendo will come up with. I’m sure it’s not a case of if they’ll improve their service, but when. :smilewinkgrin:

Any thoughts?

*Apologies for all the references to XBL. I have a 360 and so just used it as a comparison. It's also, in my opinion, the best online service available on any console at the moment. If Nintendo could offer even a quarter of this service (and for free) I’d be very happy.
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When you say 'so much more', what do you mean? Anything specific?

I agree that there's an infinite amount that can be done and I hope Nintendo really make thier mark in this area in their own style.
Being able to have online golf tournaments would be the bomb! I'm hoping for more than just multiplayer, which doesn't really interest me much. Maybe online baseball seasons with the newest Wii baseball game. This would just be fantastic stuff. And bowling tournaments! It would be so hard to ever be bored again. Are these sorts of things available on Xbox Live? The fun with the Wiimote in these instances would just beat all.
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XBL offers a really good online service but hasn't gone down the route of offering the facility to organise tournaments/leagues just yet (IIRC).

I do know that the upcoming release of Sensible Soccer is supposed to have a league creation facility though so maybe more games will have this option in the future. I guess the problem is that if you create a league/season with lots of player you have to make sure those players keep turning up to play their games or the league won’t work.

It’s hard to explain all the options that XBL offer it terms of interaction between 'friends' but its very good. Being able to chat to a friend (or up to 6 friends after the next update) while you’re playing a totally different game, or even while you’re watching a movie is excellent. Being able to use the Live Vision Camera (web cam) while playing some games also adds another dimension. Eventually (or maybe even now!) you will even be able to access your XBL profile via your mobile phone and see which of your friends are online, what they’re playing and send them messages!!

But, like I’ve mentioned before, XBL is established for 4 years now whereas Nintendo are just starting to create their online service. I’m sure they’ve got some great stuff in the pipeline though.
When I say 'so much more' I mean that it has a potential like nothing else because of the gameplay of the wii it would make things more interesting and the wii world talk and all the new channels to come out using wiiconnect 24 will make what they plan to do even better, if that makes sense.
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That makes sense and I totally agree gpoleweski. Nintendo offer something so unique that I'd like to see them carry that through to their online service.

I'm still not convinced of the importance of WiiConnect24 at the moment though. Auto updating could be cool but isn't essential. Aside from that I don't really see the point, but thats where I'd like Nintendo to come up with something awesome and surprise me! :smilewinkgrin:
I'm sure Nintendo has a very innovative online gaming network set up for us. If not they won't be #1 for very long. The console wars winner this generation hands down has to have some form of Xbox Live. Over 60% of the average gamers still don't play games online, and aren't interested. Polls listed on Gamefaqs.
as i own a xbox 360 if nintendo would bring out the same thing as xbox it would be awsome
I have no doubt that nintendo will deliver us the best they can
but you know what they say
THe best isnt always good enough

dunno who says that
I'm worried we are all going to be disappointed. Online is where it is at for the future and PS3 and 360 are on top of it. We haven't heard anything remotely exciting from nintendo, all we do is speculate that it has to be there because of their competition. In all honestly, I think nintendo is going to let us down. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but that is what I see for the future.
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I think we'll get an insight into how Nintendo hope to manage their online service next month when Mario Strikers is released. If the interface used to select online opponents is any good then maybe it will show that they are at least thinking about their online service.

Incidentally, I added my first 'friend' on my Wii last night and was amazed that there is no record of that fact at all made by my Wii. At the very least I was expecting a message in my 'inbox' saying that I now had a friend, or contact. Primitive to say the least. And as for both parties having to independently add each others 16 digit (16?! wtf?!) code that surely needs to be changed!! Maybe the possibility to change that code for a unique alias (much like XBL’s gamertag)?

If Nintendo’s focus is on local multiplayer rather than online, maybe we are set to be disappointed. But I’m sure that Nintendo are naïve enough to ignore the importance of an online service in todays market.
I feel like they'll do just enough online to keep wii owners happy, I don't feel like they're going to be innovative in this area. They're too worried about "wii being a gateway or porn" type allegations. It can't be argued that many wii owners are younger than the majority of xbox owners. I'm just very pessimistic when it comes to online after seeing the friend code system and hearing about the DS wifi games.
Whoever said that all we do is speculate, you're right but that's all we have to go on nintendo hasn't given us enough info on anything about everything, perhaps leading up to one BIG outbreak of online and all new online games and channels. Highly doubtful but hopeful none the less for me.

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