The Future of Wii Online...Failure?


WiiChat Member
Feb 15, 2007
First off, let us all remember the Gamecube era. It NEVER went online. Blugh. Well Wii has gotten online but not the way every one wants. The Wii should have come out with online play ready to go just like XBOX 360 and PS3 did. But enough of that, what's done is done.

My point? What is going to happen to the future of the Wii Online? Is it going to become extinct like the Gamecube online (which never actually started)? I know about the "Friend Codes" with the Nintendo DS (I had one) and it was totally annoying and a nuisance to use. Do we OFFICIALLY know what Nintendo is going to do when the "supposedly" release online gaming? Are we going to have to type in thousands of numbers for one person to connect with them? Or is it going to be user friends and logical where we all meet in a lobby and connect (just like yahoo games)? Because honestly, if it's the DS way, I'm out. :prrr: :sleep:
well, there is friend codes, but the code is the same for every game (except for pokemon, I think)

SSBB is going to be online. The online activity hasn't gotten really kickstarted yet.
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Ok well we don't want friend codes. This whole thing is silly. We need user names! Just like every other normal easy to use lobby with gaming. When you say Japan has "online" already, do you mean online gaming? If so, how is it configured?
The GCN actually had just ONE online game. Phantasy Star Online 1&2. I think it was an MMO, but I never played it.


I've never really read about or played a console MMO

TexasDudeUSA said:
Ok well we don't want friend codes. This whole thing is silly. We need user names! Just like every other normal easy to use lobby with gaming. When you say Japan has "online" already, do you mean online gaming? If so, how is it configured?

I think the reason Nintendo is using friend codes is so that people can choose their own username and not have the problem of it already being taken.

I don't particularly like friend codes, but I like how I can always change my name for my games.
I agree

I completely agree with what you are saying.

the Wii needs Online "Play" Chat and Mii's are nothing.

Xbox 360 Has
Call of Duty 3
Halo 3
Saints Row
Gears of War

All really great games.

And can anyone link me to some posts about online play?
I agree on the part that they need online play very soon. I am going to give them until early or middle March then they should really get it going by then.

As far as the friend codes I think if they have you use one code for all the games then that would be more organized and enjoyable but even if they did it the DS way ( code for each game) I would still play but just not enjoy it as much.
Usernames suck!

If we went by usernames I would be Brandon23342352534625 instead of just "Brandon" to my friends...
It takes about 30 seconds to type a friend code in? Thats the best way.
Ok I get why you like friends codes but I'm not down with typing in a friend code just to play an online game. I want a lobby, no crap.
give it some time. Nintendo does not like to rush things, online play will be out within the year, and i belive it will be great.
I kept hearing wario ware was going to be online enabled... :confused: If they do not get it up and running by summer I shall be very mad.
I'm pretty sure it online will be up soon... it will take time for it to be good, but no doubt it will be good as it is the most important part of gaming nowadays.
Nintendo promised an extensive online games channel that will be released between March and June. If you want more information, look at what they said during the DICE summit.

The Gamecube was online. PSO, and a few other games had online functions. Not many. I agree online gaming has been Nintendo's weakness ever since they lost the, X-band on the SNES. However, Nintendo said this time they will launch a online games channel. Only time will tell. Nintendo is living up to it's promise of a new channel every month.
Two things

I like how upset people are over online play and how they want it up and running by March. Lets be realistic here, what games are coming out soon that claim online play. Nothing you have purchased already is online capable so getting online "up and running by March" wouldn't mean anything.

How does online work for those in Japan?

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