Poe Hunter
I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the Elliot Spitzer story and how he tried get gta off the market for good but failed after he was linked to a huge prostitution ring and had sex with a bunch of prostitutes himself. after this more and more politicians started trying to get video games banned or modified ridiculously. in Switzerland there was a boy that was diagnosed with an addiction to Playstation 3, they even claimed that he had withdraw symptoms. obviously that was false.
now here is another story on some people who continue to try and sensor the gaming world.
Michael Torchia, "fitness expert" and host of the upcoming AM talk radio show "Shape Up, America," has announced plans for a class-action lawsuit against Nintendo, claiming that people are injuring themselves playing Wii games. Torchia says that many players injure themselves on the Wii because Nintendo has not properly warned consumers that warming up is necessary before exercise.
* off topic but in relevance to Elliot Spitzer, since the release of gta teenage violence has reached an all time low and still is gradually decreasing.
now here is another story on some people who continue to try and sensor the gaming world.
Michael Torchia, "fitness expert" and host of the upcoming AM talk radio show "Shape Up, America," has announced plans for a class-action lawsuit against Nintendo, claiming that people are injuring themselves playing Wii games. Torchia says that many players injure themselves on the Wii because Nintendo has not properly warned consumers that warming up is necessary before exercise.
* off topic but in relevance to Elliot Spitzer, since the release of gta teenage violence has reached an all time low and still is gradually decreasing.