What do adults have against us "Kids" and our "Maturity"?


WiiChat Member
Jul 11, 2011
Adults and "Immaturity"

I don't mean to be at all offensive but if this clan is for adults then why is their so many members? Me meaning due to the fact that adults are suppose to be "Working" or "Babysitting" and college kids are suppose to be "Studying". The fact that adults have so many responsibilities and are capable of playing a game in their "free time". It just doesn't make since to me how adults/college students could so much responsibility and on top of it, have time to put time and dedication to a gaming clan. As an adult, adults should be doing what they tell us kids to do, focus on responsibilities and work. Especially due to the economy in the United States (not sure if there is in other countries) , why are adults and college students so focused on a gaming clan if they say they are "Mature" as they are because they are adults?


All of this is really being referred to the gunslingers clan specially made for "Adults". I hate the fact that so many adults assume that kids can't be mature enough to join an 18+ year old website. I feel as if they are trying to make us feel as if we are not welcome to a website to associate with adults. Now don't get me wrong, every adult has their limits to what kids can do now a days, especially parents and their children; but if this site has rules that every other gaming website has, (pornography, Gore and language [not necessarily a big deal now a days], which may I add are what adults don't like us looking at now a days.) then why can't a mature 15 year old like myself join your "Adults only" website? Not saying I want to join, but not saying I'm not incapable of joining either.

Fun'n Games

I Agree that adults as well as any other age group deserves to have some fun especially after a hard days work. Having fun in a video game is a way many people can express themselves; but when somebody is immediately thinking of getting straight to a computer, wii, xbox, ps3, etc. just to play a game, then you are just as immature as we "Kids" are. My mother prefers to come home and relax as she watches her soaps instead of immediately jump in on a game system and everytime you die or lose, you yell and scream and holler. Most adults I am not saying do this and are actually mature about this subject, but you would be surprising how many would throw fits after an incident.

My maturity

I for one am refereed to my parents as "Mature" even though I am 15 (going on 16). I do well in school, speak to my parents maturely, and I don't swear every sentence like an immature average teenager does. As far as rated M games go, my parents let me play these because they think I have matured at a younger age then most of my friends. As for adults that are always saying, "Kids are not old enough to be playing games like this and their parents need to do their job." you are not ones to say how mature us "kids" are. In fact, I am more mature then most adults out there my parents mention to me quite often. My parents are both hard workers and are always going out of their way to take care of me and my little brother which I respect them and thank them for everyday. I hope that one day I will be able to return the favor.

It happened to all of us

I'm sure that many teenagers and children have walked into wal-mart or fry's (an adult as a young child or a child of this day) and they are suddenly brought to 5-6 adult's attention at once. Adults are always thinking, "Oh, a child with no adults around, they must be looking for trouble." Well How would you be one to confirm if we are going to immediately "look for trouble" when we walk into our local grocery store or not. Maybe I would just like to buy a bag of chips with the 3 bucks I just received for responsibly doing my chores the past week.

Judging others

Once again I just felt like this topic on "Adults thinking kids aren't mature enough". As of now it is just surprising to me how adults are just assuming so many things about kids, especially the fact that we aren't mature enough to handle many things. That is just like judging a guy who walks in your store with an orange prison outfit but you instantly forget it's actually Halloween. I not saying you should learn to trust every single person, but you shouldn't assume everything about everybody either.

Everyone's rights

Everyone deserves respect and some fun, kids and adults should be treated equally. This is exactly why many kids dislike adults and many adults dislike kids in the first place. It is because we don't treat each other like we really should be treating each other, respected, cared, treated fairly, etc.

Thank you for you time and I hope this is sucked in as a positive, I am pointing this towards kids as well as adults as I believe we are all victims of the common ways of everyday life. That is all.

P.S. Once again I was not trying to point out that everyone does all of the following above, but I seem these things occur many time and I ticks me off whenever I witness it especially when use "Kids" are the victims (most common) but it ticks me off just as much when an innocent adult is being handled by an immature, violent kid.
If the clan rules are to be 18+, you should abide by those rules. If you don't like it, don't join.

Actually, you shouldn't join any clan. Ever. Because clans suck.
If the clan rules are to be 18+, you should abide by those rules. If you don't like it, don't join.

Actually, you shouldn't join any clan. Ever. Because clans suck.

its not the clan its the people who optimizes the clan that makes it suck, the clan im in is doing fine no problems at all.
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If the clan rules are to be 18+, you should abide by those rules. If you don't like it, don't join.

Actually, you shouldn't join any clan. Ever. Because clans suck.

I get what you mean but by all of the rules they have they are basically saying its just another 1 out of 1,000 game sites that are out there but they are just excluding people under 18 from it. I just don't see a good enough reason why this should be the main rule of the whole site, but if adults really just want their own "gaming website" then whatever. :Yawn:
Actually, you shouldn't join any clan. Ever. Because clans suck.

DINGDINGDING WE HAVE A WINNER! An internetz for your wisdom, my good sir. Congratulations.

My bias towards clans aside, to the topic at hand.~

Everyone's rights

Everyone deserves respect and some fun, kids and adults should be treated equally. This is exactly why many kids dislike adults and many adults dislike kids in the first place. It is because we don't treat each other like we really should be treating each other, respected, cared, treated fairly, etc.

Treated equally? Nah, that's not how the world works, ever has worked, and certainly shouldn't work as such. Kids and adults aren't equal. They don't have the same rights by law, and if they did, that'd be some nasty **** goin' on in the world of court 'n justice.

Respected instead of "treated equally", though? Sure. Noone deserves respect, but simply as a common courtesy we should give respect until we are disrespected. Or at the very least, not up and disrespect people. When it comes to this issue, it doesn't matter what someone's age is. Bad eggs are bad eggs. Dickheads will be dickheads. So really, anyone intelligent and not a belligerent fool should know this. It's nothing that needs discussion, I'd say. You are a nice person, or you aren't.

I don't mean to be at all offensive but if this clan is for adults then why is their so many members? Me meaning due to the fact that adults are suppose to be "Working" or "Babysitting" and college kids are suppose to be "Studying". The fact that adults have so many responsibilities and are capable of playing a game in their "free time". It just doesn't make since to me how adults/college students could so much responsibility and on top of it, have time to put time and dedication to a gaming clan. As an adult, adults should be doing what they tell us kids to do, focus on responsibilities and work. Especially due to the economy in the United States (not sure if there is in other countries) , why are adults and college students so focused on a gaming clan if they say they are "Mature" as they are because they are adults?

In other words, everyone should be responsible, no? What's so irresponsible in playing a video game in their freetime? :lol: Countless people go off and drink themselves to death, gamble away their own and probably someone else's livelihood, and just as many people skulk around with murder on their mind. THAT'S "irresponsible" and then some. Gaming's the same as watching TV, reading books, etc. etc. Free time is only irresponsible when you're prioritizing or especially doing it over everything else; and let me tell ya that you don't need to be in a certain age group to do that, lol.

Which brings me back to my other point; bad eggs are bad, good eggs will be good. An individual's own traits determines this, not age. So again, you should be targeting "assholes and worthless pieces of scum" with your post, instead of "unfair adults" IMO.

P.S. Once again I was not trying to point out that everyone does all of the following above, but I seem these things occur many time and I ticks me off whenever I witness it especially when use "Kids" are the victims (most common) but it ticks me off just as much when an innocent adult is being handled by an immature, violent kid.

This PS really contradicts everything you've just said, bro... I could be interpreting the rest of your OP wrong (I hope not :lol: ) but your conviction to call out all of these so-called immature and irresponsible adults for the cause of your fellow youngin's came across clear to me. Do say if I've got the wrong idea, though.


You're a bigot, or just plain lazy for not reading.

If you don't look from both point of views; in this case children and adults, you'll be biased towards whatever age group you're in. If you can avoid the bias, you realize most people are just assholes, regardless of whether they're a child or adult. Just avoid said assholes; impossible IRL, but when it comes to gaming and the internet, you'd be surprised how easy it is.

This post was too long for a topic so simple, but... eh. This muggy ****in' weather's killin' my compositional skills.
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You're a bigot for not reading.

If you don't look from both point of views; in this case children and adults, you'll be biased towards whatever age group you're in. If you can avoid the bias, you realize most people are just assholes, regardless of whether they're a child or adult. Just avoid said assholes; impossible IRL, but when it comes to gaming and the internet, you'd be surprised how easy it is.

This post was too long for a topic so simple, but... eh. This muggy ****in' weather's killin' my compositional skills.

Im to tired to read peoples essays on the internet
No its nearly 4am and I have been playing a lot of Katamari while watching the crappy Day of the dead remake


Babys - Know bugger all
Kids - Think they know everything, but dont
Adults - Know a lot more, but still dont know everything
OAPs - Forgot most of what they know

So just remember everything you know today will probably be forgotten later on
wow. not all adults assume kids are immature. i mean, in this time and age it's expected that maturity of kids soar as compared to back in our times. relax, it doesn't really mean anything if adults try to be more 'over-protective' and perhaps, not trusting the kids as you've put it.. gotta understand adults definitely have seen too much, heard too much, and become judgemental at times. it's for your own good. you'll understand when you grow up (in terms of age).

oh and son, don't be stereotypical that adults playing games in their free time = irresponsible. i play with my kids, that's responsible parenting instead of dumping 'em unattended to eh?
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wow. not all adults assume kids are immature. i mean, in this time and age it's expected that maturity of kids soar as compared to back in our times. relax, it doesn't really mean anything if adults try to be more 'over-protective' and perhaps, not trusting the kids as you've put it.. gotta understand adults definitely have seen too much, heard too much, and become judgemental at times. it's for your own good. you'll understand when you grow up (in terms of age).

oh and son, don't be stereotypical that adults playing games in their free time = irresponsible. i play with my kids, that's responsible parenting instead of dumping 'em unattended to eh?


Best thing I have heard out of this thread. I understand how playing with your children can be enjoyable but I am not pointing out, once again, that every adult is this way but many can be. Many adults and college student simply throw their lives away with video games or just simply spend an unreasonable time playing video games as they can become "addicting" to some. After this phase of "Addiction" they just don't seem to care anymore. I have a friend from last year, his father was a video game addict, played MW2 all the time (I've seen him everytime I go over), but his son (my best friend) prefered playing sports as because that is what he liked to do in his spare time. We played tackle football everyday. After a good 2 hours we would usually head to my place because he didn't have anything good at home to eat (he had stuff, just wasn't good.) His dad is a cool guy but just wasn't talking care of his responsibilities, me pointing out that not all adults can be as responsible as us "Kids" are. I DO agree that every adult is not what I have said though, as I said it in my original post.


I was not simply trying to point out that every adult is a bad egg, I was trying to say adults can most definitely be more immature as us "Kids" and us "Kids can be as mature and experienced (not in life lessons but in education), but not all therefor saying kids and adults can come and go as good a bad eggs.


I understand everything you just said and I understand it well, but it does not mean I agree with it. I will not say what I don't agree with which in this case is a few things you said, because it will just simply cause more issues.


excuse me...but I have snickered at a minor flaw in your post. And I quote:

"Kids - Think they know everything, but dont
Adults - Know a lot more, but still dont know everything"

I personally would change it to

Kids- Do know and knew things, still learning things, think they know everything, but don't
Adults - Know and knew a lot more, still learning things, think they know everything, but still don't know everything"

Still close to similar :p (just adults are more educated, still not knowing EVERYTHING)

This is a fact and will stay a fact not simply because I am a Teenager or your an adult but it is simply because it is what I have seen. My mother (whom I love deeply) thinks she knows everything but doesn't. Knows a lot but when it comes to the up-to-date teenage subject, she is usually wrong as she is always going by her past as a teenager.

Sorry if I have offended anybody and I respect and thank anybody who has posted comments. I may not agree with most of them and you may not agree with most of mine, but it is my opinion and I'm going to stick to it. Once again sorry to anybody who has been offended as I was only trying to get my point across.
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I understand everything you just said and I understand it well, but it does not mean I agree with it. I will not say what I don't agree with which in this case is a few things you said, because it will just simply cause more issues.

"Issues"? Hey now, just as you're not here to spite anyone, neither am I. :p If ya've got a differing opinion, this thread ya posted is the place to do so, yeah? Even though you disagree with some of what I posted, or outright hate everything I said, give me a real response, if ya don't mind. Tell me how your opinions differ from mine. That's one of the finer points of a forum, after all. =)
so? im 16 years old and i play +18 games as well, GTA, Mad world, etc... its no big deal but some parents dont want their kids to play +18 games cuz it can have swearing, gore and the most awesome stuff ever... SEX!! lol

excuse me...but I have snickered at a minor flaw in your post. And I quote:

"Kids - Think they know everything, but dont
Adults - Know a lot more, but still dont know everything"

I personally would change it to

Kids- Do know and knew things, still learning things, think they know everything, but don't
Adults - Know and knew a lot more, still learning things, think they know everything, but still don't know everything"

Still close to similar :p (just adults are more educated, still not knowing EVERYTHING)
"Le sigh"

Read it again
Kids THINK they know everything, as in they think they understand how the world works, but don't until they have lived as a adult.
No one person can understand everything as us as humans dont understand everything in the universe.

so? im 16 years old and i play +18 games as well, GTA, Mad world, etc... its no big deal but some parents dont want their kids to play +18 games cuz it can have swearing, gore and the most awesome stuff ever... SEX!! lol
Here's my part:

I never bought an M-rated game until I was 17. Did I ever play Mature games before that? Of course. But I followed the rules like any decent person.

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