Pit Revealed In SSBM?


Am I Losing Friends?
Aug 8, 2006
Wii Online Code
My COusin And I Were Bored, SO We Looked In The Trophies In Melee...

We Came Across Pit(man did he get a makeover), Read His Info, And At The End It Says, "Will Pit Ever Fight Again?"

That's An Obvious Hint ;)
Heh, look at this:


And this:

u know whats funny......i saw that in the trophy description like a day ago cause i didnt really know who he was and i was going through my trophys in Melee........thats funny.......but it also brings up a question i thought they werent planning on making another one until the idea of the Wii, and the Wii going online
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Yeah, I Dont Relly Like The Trophy Pit Either

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