Player caricature feature?


Apr 30, 2006
Remember from the E3 tennis demo Miyamoto had his own face on one of the characters?

Well according to a recent interview this may not just be a fancy gimmick for the show...

"We have some different ideas about how to take advantage of that functionality," he said, "and we will be sharing that type of functionality with third parties."

Pure speculation for now, but this technology has been used before and could be linked to some of the domains Nintendo have snapped up for the Wii.
i0n said:
Remember from the E3 tennis demo Miyamoto had his own face on one of the characters?

Well according to a recent interview this may not just be a fancy gimmick for the show...

"We have some different ideas about how to take advantage of that functionality," he said, "and we will be sharing that type of functionality with third parties."

Pure speculation for now, but this technology has been used before and could be linked to some of the domains Nintendo have snapped up for the Wii.
Something like the Quake thing, where you send off a picture of yourself, and they post back a 'computerised' version of yourself maybe? Maybe some sort of in-built customisation thing? Or the really wierd one of dragging the Wiimote over your face to map out it's shape! Lol. I suspect either of the first two...
There might even be a photo editing program on the Wii that will allow you to edit your own picture to create a caricature of your face or something along those lines... now that would be cool.
my face will scare all week players off
There was gona be some thing like that on perfect dark
rare took it out for legal resoins (dont want you runing round killing you mates)
Darkprinny said:
There was gona be some thing like that on perfect dark
rare took it out for legal resoins (dont want you runing round killing you mates)
I thought it was more to do with being sensitive to the school shootings that happened in both UK and the US.

Also, I heard some cheeky monkeys cracked open a rom and introduced an upgraded better version via a custom program to apply custom faces again... ...I do hope that Nintendo put in the feature though. It's not like you're gonna be putting your mates faces onto GTA or anything! It's only Tennis! (and whatever else Nintendo has cooked up). Besides, it would be cool if you could make avatars, even if you didn't want your own face inside the game itself. Methinks that would also be cool...
Haha this reminds me of the storm of 62. Everyone was like,"WHy are we so cold" and then i was like,"dude, your in your undys outside in a blizzard, come inside." and then

anyways, this could be good or bad. It would be cool if you can chat with your mates and see their face at the same time, you know, on the television.
I'm worried about how people would abuse the camera. Maybe Nintendo will think of a way to revent such things from happening. Maybe an online moderation?
It's going to be a camera in the Wii so u take the picture, upload and...

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