Pokemon Diamond/Pearl info


Novocain Stain'd
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hey everyone, I know everyone is mega worked up about the upcoming DS titles in the multi-billion dollar franchise, pokemon. Therefore whenever I find out new news about it i'll post it under this thread title "Pokemon Pearl info".

Here's a vid(though I know alot of u have seen it)that shows a little about the new games. >Diamond/Pearl demo link<
Watch closely at the battles towards the middle, it shows alot of the new pokemon, also watch closely when it reaches 45 sec. how the person dragged over a crown to the pokemon's head. This is for the Pokemon Contests, which will also consist of some new things as well.

Diamond and Pearl will be set in the new region of Shin'ou, which will feature snowy environments, a first for a Pokémon RPG.
Also the night/day will return(thank goodness)as well as other times such as evening and late night(very dark vs. normal night where it's only semi-dark).

Shin'ou will feature an underground world, which will be used for multiplayer gaming. Players can create and decorate "secret bases", like they could in ruby and sapphire as well as participating in minigames, one of which will allow the player to dig up fossilized Pokémon.

A new crime gang is in town as well, called Team Galaxy, these guys will star in Diamond and Pearl.

D/P will also have the online connection so that we will all be able to decimate one another all over the world, sounds fun eh? With this online play we won't have to continously face the elite four again and again and again, not that that wasn't as fun as a barrel of monkeys, but sometimes u really wanted a better battle than that. Now u will get one:D

We will get to transfer Pokemon from all the previous games, 6 pokemon is the limit per day, here's an example: today I trade my Blaziken, Tyranitar, Salamence, Kyogre, Rayquaza and Dragonite to Diamond. I can't transfer anymore till tomorrow, this shouldn't be a problem because 6 pokemon means being able to trade over a whole team. Another thing is if u have both Diamond & Pearl, u can transfer 6 to both and then trade 6 from one to another and get twelve in one day, an example: today I trade my Blaziken, Tyranitar, Salamence, Kyogre, Rayquaza and Dragonite to Diamond. Now I trade my Sceptile, Houndoom, Primeape, Groudon, Gengar and Gyarados to Pearl. Now I could trade those pokemon from Pearl to Diamond, which would mean I could get 12 pokemon on Diamond:D

Also here's a list of pokemon they've released info on that are confirmed for D/P. >List of Pokemon for D/P<

>>>Pokemon D/P Screenshots<<<

I know alot of u guys know all this already but I thought it'd be nice to gather it all into one, simple thread. Have fun discussing and i'll report any news that I find on these games.

Pokemon D/P is to come out Spring of 2007
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Hey, have u heard of that Pokemon Diamond in which u call the pokemon on phone so they come to your aid? i no it sounds weird but my friend had it on pc, all the pokemon could speak english and most of them looked like old pokemon but some were just crazy new ones. But the weirdest thing like i mentioned before is that you have to call the pokemon to make them come to you, thats just shaqueer Oneil
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Well there's that Pika Talking type game for the N64...sounds crazy...Pokemond Diamond is coming out for the DS, that's one of the games I just talked about, u silly goose:p
ssbb_lover said:
Well there's that Pika Talking type game for the N64...sounds crazy...Pokemond Diamond is coming out for the DS, that's one of the games I just talked about, u silly goose:p

Im not a goose, why am i the only one that can understand pokemon language? You guys cant hear it? huh?
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m7ticalm said:
Im not a goose, why am i the only one that can understand pokemon language? You guys cant hear it? huh?

I'm not sure wut u'r talking about, maybe the unreleased Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? Which that would be impossible since it hasn't been released...anyways let's get off this topic, it's creeping me out:scared:
The crown draggin' think is part of the new way pokecontest works... there's now three stages, the first you gotta make your pokemon real perty like, the second is a dance off and then finally it's the same as it was in previous games.

I'm not making this up.
other than zelda, i am also a huge fan of pokemon. other than the wii, eventhough i dont have a ds, imma get one along wit the diamond or pearl.
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U should buy a DS and both Diamond & Pearl, and cool about the new Poke' contest:D
the touch screen seems to be used like the main menu you know with


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