
Depends on the type
You cant make a North pole (it will mess up the planet)
Barbers pole is made with red and white paper
Flag pole
I dont know either....I have been around in these forums for awhile now....and still I dont know!

I think you may have to get more posts..
i think they might have been disabled i have not found a soloution to making a poll either.... i looked on the FAQ and it says how but there is no option for polls at the end of a new thread
it all makes sense now.... first the wii-motes now the polls on this site... OH EM GEE@!!!!#$@#RETGFV
Depends on the type
You cant make a North pole (it will mess up the planet)
Barbers pole is made with red and white paper
Flag pole

I usually dont like when people are wiseasses in forums but that made me laugh hysterically. lmao.
gibsonrocker800 said:
I usually dont like when people are wiseasses in forums but that made me laugh hysterically. lmao.

i don't think he was trying to be a wise ass. I think he didn't know the answer and just wanted to make a good reply
when creating a new thread, there is a check box under "Additional Options" that you have to check in order to post a poll