pre-ordering the conduit


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
anyone pre-ordering? I just ordered mine yesterday. first game i have ever pre ordered.
I'm definitely going to pre-order Conduit. Just wondering wether I should pre-order it at Gamestop (They are giving a few bonus pre-order gifts) or at Play N Trade (where I have almost $20 in credit on my card).
I also thought of pre-ordering it but do you guys know if games like that lower the price someday? (I ask because there are old games with the same prices and others recent with much lower price).
I also thought of pre-ordering it but do you guys know if games like that lower the price someday? (I ask because there are old games with the same prices and others recent with much lower price).

Hmmm...I wouldn't count on it. Games only lower in price when they aren't selling well. So the company knocks off a couple of dollars in order to boost sales (Ever noticed how Smash Bros Melee[yes MELEE] is still $29.99).

But in reference to The Conduit I see it easily pulling through the Multi-Million mark with sales. ESRB gave it a "T" rating, which mean little kids can legally buy this game and annoy the crap out of us online. So this game may not see a price drop for quite sometime.
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I also thought of pre-ordering it but do you guys know if games like that lower the price someday? (I ask because there are old games with the same prices and others recent with much lower price).

i doubt this game price will get lowered. its going to sell a lot, or at least continue to keep selling pretty aggressively through the holidays this year. its 46.99 at amazon right now, they always lower the price a few dollars during the pre-sale. considering how well call of duty is doing, i would expect this game to do similar to better.
Thanks for the info :) then I think I might pre-order it. It will be my first pre-ordered too, unless I do it with punch out first :p
i doubt this game price will get lowered. its going to sell a lot, or at least continue to keep selling pretty aggressively through the holidays this year. its 46.99 at amazon right now, they always lower the price a few dollars during the pre-sale. considering how well call of duty is
doing, i would expect this game to do similar to better.

I doubt this game will sell alot....look at Mad World (one of the best games on Wii).......there are not as many people following this game as you think
I think the best way to get the general masses to learn about this game is during the first month of it going on sale gamestop ,or something should host multiplayer tournaments with it. That get your common customers interest peaked in the game.
Im going to buy this and Wii Speak im that impessed with what i have seen.

Also going to buy the new Silent Hill game when it comes out.
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I doubt this game will sell alot....look at Mad World (one of the best games on Wii).......there are not as many people following this game as you think

You may be right. however, the only reason I think this will sell more is due to the online play and its a FPS. For instance, I was not really interested in madworld, im just not into that type of game. i like FPS though. it will all come down to marketing to. Call of duty was advertised a lot. if they market this game around the holidays it will do really well.
I doubt this game will sell alot....look at Mad World (one of the best games on Wii).......there are not as many people following this game as you think

MADWORLD is a different game entirely. Some people look at MADWORLD and just write it off as an over-hyped beat em up with a lot of blood (and to some extent they are right) but that isn't the case with Conduit. As I said before because its rated Teen it will be more accesible to the Wii main age group (about 12-20) and therefore will sell better than MADWORLD. I can understand everyone's pessimistic outlook on this game but I truely believe that all the pessimist will be in for a pleasant surprise.

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