Project Natal: The Wii Killer?

If Microsoft plays its cards the right way then yes it will end Nintendo's popular console run.

Microsoft has so much potential with this, and honestly during the demo, interacting with Milo, my jaw was dropped through 90% of it, and when she scanned the paper with the drawing and Milo took it and looked at it in the game i almost **** myself.

sooooo much potential, i really hope Microsoft does some amazing things with this.
It could do, if this works the xbox will grab the family market which is the only thing nintendo has going for it. hmmmm we shall see i guess
It will have very little impact on Nintendo. Why? A couple reasons. For one, Wii had a new controller style right from the start, which means everyone already has one. With this, you've got something extra to buy, existing games won't work with it and there won't be a huge catalog of special games for it for a long time. And secondly, the Wii has the family-friendly image locked up. Half the people who own a Wii probably don't even know what Microsoft's console is even called. Your Wii-owning grandparents aren't going to get an Xbox 360 or PS3. The low-end Xbox 360 has been cheaper than a Wii for quite awhile now and still hasn't come close to touching the Wii's sales numbers.
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It will have very little impact on Nintendo. Why? A couple reasons. For one, Wii had a new controller style right from the start, which means everyone already has one. With this, you've got something extra to buy, existing games won't work with it and there won't be a huge catalog of special games for it for a long time. And secondly, the Wii has the family-friendly image locked up. Half the people who own a Wii probably don't even know what Microsoft's console is even called. Your Wii-owning grandparents aren't going to get an Xbox 360 or PS3. The low-end Xbox 360 has been cheaper than a Wii for quite awhile now and still hasn't come close to touching the Wii's sales numbers.

Reasons why Project Natal could fail:

1. Parents would have to buy a new console, games, and accessories.
2. Most new casual Wii owners are now Nintendo fanboys.
3. It's too late for this generation cuz Nintendo won the casual market already.
4. Most Xbox fanboys are motion-control haters.
5. If this was implemented into a hardcore game, the game won't be out til 2011 and the new Wii HD will be out soon around then.
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I don't think it will do anything to Nintendo this gen.

This device has not shipped yet and we are 4 years into the 360 dev cycle and 3 into the Wii cycle. Thus it's too late to make an install-base for this device.

I think this item will be a curiosity that gets left on the corner like Eye Toy and Microsofts current camera.

Remember all the BS Microsoft touted about live and users making content and selling things like Ebay. Remember Sony bragging up Home and how great it would be and how awesome installing Linux would be. It really never took off and they never implemented really any of those ideas pitched 4 years ago at an E3 near you.

The biggest reasons is that neither Sony nor Microsoft make Nintendo games. Nintendo makes Nintendo games. (Rare games are always cheap-feeling clones). Little Big Planet it cool...but even that never grabbed the people who like Ninty style games.

People have been preaching this "Virtual Reality" crap that Microsoft touted today since the Sega Master System. Even the Genesis had a virtual ring that could "detect motion etc.". It may happen next gen, but trust me no way is this gonna take off fast enough to make a difference to developers (they are risk adverse right now cause of the economy and small install-bases on PS3/360). For these things to be a success they have to be in the box day1 and devs have to have access to this for years.
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Reasons why Project Natal could fail:

1. Parents would have to buy a new console, games, and accessories.
2. Most new casual Wii owners are now Nintendo fanboys.
3. It's too late for this generation cuz Nintendo won the casual market already.
4. Most Xbox fanboys are motion-control haters.
5. If this was implemented into a hardcore game, the game won't be out til 2011 and the new Wii HD will be out soon around then.

Nah. Because Xbox 360 doesn't compliment the demographics.

Microsoft has so much potential with this, and honestly during the demo, interacting with Milo, my jaw was dropped through 90% of it, and when she scanned the paper with the drawing and Milo took it and looked at it in the game i almost **** myself.

sooooo much potential, i really hope Microsoft does some amazing things with this.

Agreed. This is pretty much the coolest advancement i have seen in gaming since the wii. MS needs to include this for free in their next gen console, it is such a huge advancement and they can do so much with this. This wont do much for this gen though, too many people already have consoles and only a small % buy 2. xbox has a lot of cool stuff now, if they had mario, zelda, etc, they would be the best in my book.
It's definitely not a Wii killer...In no way is Microsoft getting a big bite out of Nintendo's market.

but it does look interesting.
Personally, I don't think it will be a "Wii killer". It certainly looks amazing though, and has a lot of potential. However, I don't believe many developers will embrace it and develop promising and non-shovelware games for the peripheral.

Plus, if it were to succeed, MS would have a lot of catching up to do in terms of sales.
I saw a million possible glitches in it just watching the demo of it. We'll see though...
im sorry ,but i am not impressed by this.

How many "motion senstive" cameras are microsoft ,and sony( i know this isnt for playstation ,but they have the eyetoy) going to release before they just do some kind of motion controller?

I mean why exactly should people buy Natal when microsoft already has the Vision Cam which was suppose to have motion control (TotemBall--mind you it sucked)

Lets face it camera control for games is A) limited in types of games it can work in and B) has never really taken off because full body motion is not the most accurate thing to replicate with on screen characters.

Right there in itself shows this is barely denting the Wii market. The Wii controls (WHEN DONE PROPERLY) adds a level of depth, and emergsion(sp?) to pre-existing game types.

Where as with this camera being the only control input they are looking to have how would you play something like Gears of War. You couldn't ,but you could with a Wiimote ,and nunchuck combo.

Unless i see something really impressive for this new thing i doubt ill even buy it.

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