PS3 Slim Rumor Mill

Yeah I saw that earlier today. I hope it's true, like I said before Sony needs to drop the price ASAP.
Hopefully there won't be any overheating issues with all that processing power in a smaller case. (if it's true)
well the ps3 is pretty darn thick.
its like the "big black"of the three
and the 360 is "Rob Dyrdek"
and the wii is their dog.(forgot the name)
Hehe, not quite the proportions of Big Black. :lol:
Yeah, not the most attractive appearance, but hey, if the hardware does it's job and the games are great (they are), what does it matter?
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In all fairness, everyone thought the PS2 was ugly when it came out (I rememeber a gamepro article saying things like "What the hell was Sony thinking?"). But I would argue that there is no saving this terrible-looking design. I'm pretty sure it's not legit, though.

Tretton joked it was a knock-off Chinese model, and to be honest, I think his humor suggests that there is a sliver of truth to that; in that it's not an actual design from Sony but some copycat. There are a lot of those things out there (such as the Vii, the Chinese attempt at Wii).
In all fairness, everyone thought the PS2 was ugly when it came out (I rememeber a gamepro article saying things like "What the hell was Sony thinking?"). But I would argue that there is no saving this terrible-looking design. I'm pretty sure it's not legit, though.

Tretton joked it was a knock-off Chinese model, and to be honest, I think his humor suggests that there is a sliver of truth to that; in that it's not an actual design from Sony but some copycat. There are a lot of those things out there (such as the Vii, the Chinese attempt at Wii).

i would agree with you but it says PS3 on it. the thing that makes me think it may be real is the box art.
In all fairness, everyone thought the PS2 was ugly when it came out (I rememeber a gamepro article saying things like "What the hell was Sony thinking?"). But I would argue that there is no saving this terrible-looking design. I'm pretty sure it's not legit, though.

my mom got the ps2 in japan when it first came out there,and it was (and still is)pretty darn ugly
Tretton joked it was a knock-off Chinese model, and to be honest, I think his humor suggests that there is a sliver of truth to that; in that it's not an actual design from Sony but some copycat. There are a lot of those things out there (such as the Vii, the Chinese attempt at Wii).

One things that adds credibility to those PS3 Slip boxes is that lawyers sent Kotaku (and possibly others) Cease and Desist orders to try to get them to remove the images from their website.
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^oooh, that's some pretty heavy evidence.

To be honest, I hope the final version looks a little better than that. They could have at least kept the Spider-Man font, which would have probably made the thing look a little better.
^oooh, that's some pretty heavy evidence.

Do you really think lawyers would go after a website to remove photos of something that's fake that they have no connection to?
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Yeah, if it was fake, then probably not.

I could see people mistakening this PS3 Slim (should it actually release at its current appearance) for a PS2, or vice-versa. To the average, untrained consumer eye, they look near-identical. The PS3 font is also positioned similarly, and the font itself is almost straight out of PS2 days...except the corners of the alphanumerals are rounded.
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