PS3 sucks, now tell me why not to think so.

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retro_joe said:
Why all the hatin, spread the love, get all 3 next gen console's. As is i got 2/3, and on friday i'll have the 3rd to complete my collection. Buy the consoles for the games, not the fanboy diehards who think crying about rival consoles is cool.

You know the second world war was started from 1 man not liking a jew. do you strive to be a man like that?
So my question to retro-joe, do u have all the systems, and which one do you like best.

Farid said:
How in the world do u come up wit poems like that, i mean that spectacular.:confused:
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retro_joe said:
i liked my atari the most.. Spy vs Spy ftw..

and i have most consoles, i am missing a couple since they broke (2 were nintendo).
So your sayin u liked the Atari the most?

Farid said:
well is an option :ihih:
But u just used that poem over 2 times, but still i gotta say u got some major grammar skills then. I will give u credit but say somethun else.:yesnod:
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CyanRussel said:
But u just used that poem over 2 times, but still i gotta say u got some major grammar skills then. I will give u credit but say somethun else.:yesnod:
it`s because my "normal" lenguage is Spanish but i speak english too (yeah i talk much better) and you should look around and see my post i have write lots of them xd and read all this english stuff makes my english better ;D

asi que esa es la razon amigo ;D
CyanRussel said:
But u just used that poem over 2 times, but still i gotta say u got some major grammar skills then. I will give u credit but say somethun else.:yesnod:

Yeah when i was 3 yrs old. You got a problem wit that

Welcome back YoungLink007

Strange i could have sworn you were just BANNED.
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alright i hate to say it but i could guarantee that if ps3 was a little cheaper it would vastly out sell the wii and 360, i have both a wii and a 360 and i love them dearly but if i could go into a store and pay 400 dollars and walk out with a ps3 and a game or 2 id do it, the ps3 doesnt suck, i understand that some people feel that they are betraying there favorite company if they buy a different system, but i feel that you really miss out on some great games if you go with just one system, i understand that most cant afford a ps3 cuz i cant but i dont hate it or think it sucks! i agree that if more dont sell itll lose 3rd party support, i mean look what happened to other consoles (saturn,dreamcast,3do,etc,etc) i guess i just love video games so much that i embrace all instead of dismissing them, the only thing that pisses me off about sony is that it was one of the main reasons sega went out of the console market
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