PS3 sucks, now tell me why not to think so.

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:mad5: :mad5:
retro_joe said:
selective sight ftl. you managed to see the atari bit, but somehow missed the; I liked my ***** most. might wana read the whole post imo :hand:
R u still talking bout the Atari crap, we just got done talking about that 5 min. ago, get yo old ass on, talk bout somthun new. (If you can.):mad5:
CyanRussel said:
:mad5: :mad5:
R u still talking bout the Atari crap, we just got done talking about that 5 min. ago, get yo old ass on, talk bout somthun new. (If you can.):mad5:

5min? cant troll a forum all day whilst at work. Have to work a little u know :thumbsup:
its not too expensive for me(ps3) i just dont want it, doesn't interest me, thats why i go a Wii, ps3, i can afford it but its not interesting to me.
they need games simple as that games are what matters when they get them ill get the ps3...
My god the Wii owns... said:
Okay, Dr.Dick, here are a couple "analogies"!

You go online, looking for a place that sells speakers. One site advertises "SuperSpeakers v4.6 $375, comes with earbuds", another site advertises "SuperSpeakers v4.5 $80". Which is the better buy? By your argument, you'd get those SuperSpeakers 4.6. I mean, they're more expensive, right?

You want to get a dog, so you go to the pet store. The salesman says, "Well, this dog is really nice, easy to train, and doesn't shed." He then points you to another dog, and says, "This dog is a bit more expensive"(about $400 more dollars)" but it has a really nice coat of fur. It's really...nice...fur." You'd go for the latter, correct?

Man, you're trying to make a point that the better-selling product is always better. No.

PSP? The failure? Okay, super cool! I can watch movies on my little screen! Or, I can pay $100 less to do the same thing on a portable DVD player! The DS is a game system, not a failing over-expensive device.

make some more realistic analogies, both of u.
u cant compare car sales to game console sales, a car portays how successful a person is because public see it. u dont walking around with a ps3 on ur head going oh look i have more money cos i got a ps3 rather than a wii, fashion is different from entertainment.

honestly the ps3 has its different features compared to the wii, they shouldnt even be compared.

The games list of ps3 are more based on graphics than gameplay. and vice versa for the wii. it just depends on the majority of people who like what better.

the ps3 costs so much compared to the wii because of the new technology (bluray)
imo sony are trying to advance techonology for the world and they're being beaten on for it, they even lose money for every console they sell.
whereas nintendo are being on the safe-side using a bunch of old technology and combining it create something new in the console world.

both companies are trying to bring customers entertainment, none of them deserve to be beaten on. in the end its up to the customer which system they want..

and in reply to OTTOMAN TURK (on page 1) not every1 in the world has an ipod/pc/and mobile phone, and in this day of age the 3 of them would cost more than the ps3 anyway, so seriously your comments are void, not every1 in the world agrees with u so stop acting/thinking that way.

im not defending the ps3, i have a wii and i dont have a ps3, but im just sick of these stupid fanboys.

EDIT: if you arent interested in the other console, just dont comment on it
NY_KRaKRocKS said:
:yikes: Insultin my system don't go well wit me. Here you are a$$ Hol3.

Blu-ray games
blu-ray technology
high definition graphics
storage of music
storage of video
storage of pictures
Motion Sensor controller (also with tilt)
bluetooth compatible
list of fun, real hits
crazy online to come out in fall (PLAYSTATION HOME)
PSP playback
PlayStation Store(demos, games, trailers of games and movies)
So if you still like playin a lunchbox worth $50 dollaz tops with no great games or features, then your :crazy: crazy.

Blu-ray games Expensive and unnessescary
blu-ray technology Same thing as above >_>
high definition graphics Sacraficing gameplay for graphics. Just look at the new Gundam game to see what I mean. New generation is supposed to be about playing, not watching.
storage of music Everyone these days has MP3 players the size of a thumbtac- why would you want one the size of a child?
storage of video Waste of space. It's a console, not a computer.
storage of pictures Same as above...
Motion Sensor controller (also with tilt) No, not "also with tilt", "ONLY WITH TILT" yea, you can tilt your controller. More ideas brutally STOLEN from Nintendo, but made worse. Not to mention they got rid of rumblepack for it.
bluetooth compatible You're kidding, right? Every single console of this generation is bluetooth compatible. You fail try again.
list of fun, real hits No, list of popular games Sony bought out. Not fun games. Pretty games.
crazy online to come out in fall (PLAYSTATION HOME) The online feature takes a YEAR to come out? XBox 360 had it on release.
PSP playback I'm not even sure what this means, but I believe it can fit into the same as "watching videos"
PlayStation Store(demos, games, trailers of games and movies) Same as the Wii has. And planned long before Sony.
And here we have a big list of drawbacks:

BluRay- the reason the price exists.
Price- only the richest people can afford, if you're the average Joe it could take you a month to save up for a single PS3 game.
Controller- no rumblepack and crap turning motion thing no games use.
Size- Not in the slightest bit portable. Too delecate for one thing.
Buggy- buggy as hell, when it first came out most game forums were flooded with "WAH DUZ MAH PS3 NOT WORK AWW" threads.

I think I'm just about finished.
So if you're playing with a bjillion dollar big black box that just looks pretty with some ruined franchises, you're crazy.
Oh and ChronoFox, thats all well and good but, it ISN'T a little cheaper. Because of stupid BluRay technology.
Waiiit.... now. Okay I'm done.
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Wiitendo said:
PS3 sucks big time, no one likes it. It failed life however some rich kids still buy and play the PS3. Why? is it just a cliqe thing to buy 600$ crap-bags? I asked my friend what nexgen system hes going to get? I was like your rich you getting a PS3? hes like why my toilet works fine? Its true, but I want to give you fan(boys) a chance to prove me wrong. Tell me why the PS3 dosen't suck.

"no one likes it"..well I certainly like my you're already wrong. I find games like resistance, collegehoops 2k7, virtua fighter 5, tekken 5, def jam icon, and motor storm enjoyable. Sure there are better games out there, but i am anxiously awaiting GTA and Metal Gear Solid, And i love the fact that i can play my ps2 games on it, but the biggest where the stand alone blu ray players are finally starting to hit the $700 and below price point..I already have a blu ray player that was cheaper, plays the movies just as well (check, and doubles as a gaming machine (i leave the internet browsing for my computer). I chose not to follow the HD DVD band wagon as well..their scheduled releases just seem weak, and I already have a ps3 so..why not get some Blu Ray movies while i'm at it (not that expensive online). Anyway to counter your stupid post...I love my PS3.

p.s. I own both PS3 and Wii. The value of both consoles to me are equal, the PS3 is expensive but is also a very powerful machine. the Wii is not that powerful, but the games are fun, and the price point is very reasonable. I can afford a 360 too, but it just doesn't appeal to me as i don't have much time to game.
For people posting about hating a PS3, u seem to spend ALOT of time talking about it... Jealousy is the best kind of flattery

Fanboyism - Leave it at the Door Please
a sticky post IN THIS FORUM..
This section is for discussion of the Playstation 3 console, and is in no way exempt from the site rules and guidelines. Meaning no trolling, flaming or thread crapping purely because you dislike the PS3 console.
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retro_joe said:
For people posting about hating a PS3, u seem to spend ALOT of time talking about it... Jealousy is the best kind of flattery
...Ye, that really doesn't make sense. If you hated George W Bush, you wouldn't stay quiet about him. You'd want to take a shot at him in every chance you get. If you were apathetic of him, you wouldn't really care whether or not he was discussed. If you were militant against him, you'd keep quiet, until the time was right.

...Imagine all the militant Sony haters there could be out there...
Squall7 said:
...Ye, that really doesn't make sense. If you hated George W Bush, you wouldn't stay quiet about him. You'd want to take a shot at him in every chance you get. If you were apathetic of him, you wouldn't really care whether or not he was discussed. If you were militant against him, you'd keep quiet, until the time was right.

...Imagine all the militant Sony haters there could be out there...
People dont go out bad mouthing him because he's "faster" "better looking" "new age". You are out of context, no1 is jealous of Bush.. they just hate him for his decision making skills..
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