rate the Avatar above u

7/10 if its regular speed, 10/10 if its normal
i dont watch the show much but I do know that the bald guy is the coolest person on it.
Ok our animal crossing number is=021724252166
we also have poker and onslaught too come play with us were very active our wi friends code is on our profile to the left look forward to hearing from all of you 8]
Ok our animal crossing number is=021724252166
we also have poker and onslaught too come play with us were very active our wi friends code is on our profile to the left look forward to hearing from all of you 8]

Wrong Thread mate?
A robot thing I think? Well it looks hand drawn, so if you drew it its a 9
custom robo and yes i drew it its a Ray Mk III...im still trying to figure out my favorite one (as in how to draw him)
custom robo and yes i drew it its a Ray Mk III...im still trying to figure out my favorite one (as in how to draw him)

I draw a little too

Ken the Eagle!!! 10/10
Hes a really good character in Capcom V.S Tatsunoko