Red Steel Development Costs

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So, what benefits will we get out of the low development costs? Well, when the games is cheap to develop, it will make it easier for smaller companies to get into the Business, so we'll probably see more games because of the low costs.
MetroidZ said:
So, what benefits will we get out of the low development costs? Well, when the games is cheap to develop, it will make it easier for smaller companies to get into the Business, so we'll probably see more games because of the low costs.
That is great! Wii to dominate? Most likely! This is a big advantage.
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  • #21
Homicidal_Gamer said:
That is great! Wii to dominate? Most likely! This is a big advantage.
yeh, its likely most gamers will have a Wii + xbox/ps3. but saying that, u could get a Wii + xbox360 for cheaper than the ps3 :lol:. if the wii's $250 price or lower is confirmed.
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+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
HOLY CRAP!!! That Much!?
lol, yep.


I guess for a lot of PC gamers, like myself, that sounds like a rather short amount of time since a lot of games we play, like ESIV: Oblivion (with 100+ hours of un repeatative playtime), Half Life 1 & 2, Civilizations, etc., are some of the longest games ever. But in console's eye, 13 hours is a pretty decent length, especially if it has good re-play value and online capabilities.
Guys, notice how it says "Main Game" maybe there is a multiplayer or other game modes?? That they are keeping a secret.
it dosent look THAT great to me, i was only going to get it if the swordplay was better

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