Red Steel Headed For an M Rating?

struss789 said:
I know they said that the game was aiming for a T rating, but newly released pictures say otherwise...WARNING pictures contain nudity.

Oh my gosh, what the hell!!! Red Steel was cool enough as it was; It didn't need strippers!:mad:

Why do game developers always think they need to shove this stuff into what could have been a T rated game?!

Like I want to see polygonal breasts bouncing around on polygonal women in a polygonal strip-club?
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I know it really sucks. Hopefully it wont be in the final version since they were originally trying to aim for a teen rating. But it doesnt make sense that the concept art would look like this. I thought they were worried about putting blood in the game because they were trying to keep it T, so this makes no sense to me... Im very confused.
jaja... I can buy it anyway... but I dont like the striper thing... I find em to dont be for a nintendo game... maybe for the pervert sony PS3 :)
UbiSoft needs to focus on making the movents more realistic, the people less cartoonish, and the story dense and maybe even branching, not further contributing to the degradation of women in videogames.

I don't want some pasted-in peep show. I want to look and explore places like the following (click to enlarge):

Now that's a videogame I want to play.

And thinking about it a little bit more, and sorry if this is off-topic, but wouldn't it be cool if Red Steel actually looked like the pictures above. I mean, it has a cool hand-drawn look and style that might be fun to see, especially the one furthest to the left. Or atleast make the world look like that during matrix-mode or something.

At the same time, the following realistice graphics style sure is nice, aswell (click to enlarge; these pics are huge by the way):

I don't know, what do you guys think?
Last edited: better keep the T rating...or else I'm gonna have to drag in a parent with me to get the game. I'm already 16, and those gamestop employee's still wont let me get M rated games without a parent. >_>
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yeah me too, i think you only have to be 17 to get M games. so thats right around the corner for me.
You have got to be kidding me. This was the game I was looking forward to for the Wii. This is, like, the first game I wanted to get. But now....oh man! It better be T.
whoa ... how many people here are under 17?...

and im not to mad about it, if you think about it ... EVERY game/movie that has dealt with major crime lords or mafia bosses always has a scene where one or two fights go down in a stripjoint. Why should that be changed now? So what if there are pixilated polygonal "boobies" around the place, doesnt bother me... and if it does you ... your gay. sorry. And no im not saying i get turned on by that, but im also saying i dont think, "eww!!! thats gross!! boobies!!". If it does turn out to be a M game ... that prolly means that people under 17 should NOT play it, and their parents should NOT buy it for them ... thats what pisses me off because congress is on video game developers asses about violence/nudity in games when really, its the parent's fault for ignoring THE M RATING THAT IS RIGHT ON THE BOX, and buying their whining kid a game that they later complain about because they did not know it was so violent. well... it says it right there on the case if you look for it hard enough, dumbass.

Well thats my rant. sorry but i hate when people dont like violence/nudity in games when you can see it just about every where else, but instead you complain about it like a whiny *****...

oops, im starting all over again ... sorry.

basically ... if its an M game, and your 15 or 16, dont whine and get your mommy to buy it for you, wait a year and buy it yourself. Then when you might find something distasteful in your opinion, you can keep it to yourself and not ruin games for everyone. If your like 9 ... f you, youre the ones ruining it for everyone, dont buy the game just because you think your old enough and dont buy the game if your parents might be offended by it... just wait for your balls to drop ... it wont take that long ... i promise.

and this game doesnt, "simply scream sony". I think Nintendo screams for this game, because nintendo needs more mature games for MATURE gamers ... There are MANY MANY more E games for kids than there are M games for older dudes, and i think it should be atleast balanced out to make everyone happy. That is the smart thing to do after all, target a larger range of ages in a group of people therefore, you get more business rather than just targeting 6 year olds with pissy attitudes...

ok ... i think im done now... sorry for that. woo, im gonna go get a monster, that post kinda drained the energy out of me. :p
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lol. sometimes your mommy wont by you games:lol: ... no big i have friends thatll by it for me, and will soon be able to buy it legaly. All i can say to the rest of you is "Sucks to be you", JK it really does suck, but you never know it could change, it was only concept art.
wiiener said:
whoa ... how many people here are under 17?...

and im not to mad about it, if you think about it ... EVERY game/movie that has dealt with major crime lords or mafia bosses always has a scene where one or two fights go down in a stripjoint. Why should that be changed now? So what if there are pixilated polygonal "boobies" around the place, doesnt bother me... and if it does you ... your gay. sorry. And no im not saying i get turned on by that, but im also saying i dont think, "eww!!! thats gross!! boobies!!".

Well, who do you think you are!? If strip clubs, in which women degrade themselves for fat perverted men doesn't disgust you, then I'll have to presume that you are a fat and perverted loser. What if it was your mom or sister on stage, showing their bodies to a bunch of assholes?? If you had a daughter, would you be OK with that?

No one here has said "eww!! that's gross!!" when it comes to animated boobs. It's simply an element that isn't required and it's lame!!! If you get turned on by that stuff, then that means you probably are such a loser, you can't even get a real girlfriend.

Also, don't use gay as a derogitory term. I'm not gay, but my cousin is and she's one of the coolist people I know. And just wondering, if I was gay, would that suddenly change your attitude towards me? Why do you care about anyone's sexual preferance other than your own??

wiiener said:
If it does turn out to be a M game ... that prolly means that people under 17 should NOT play it, and their parents should NOT buy it for them ... thats what pisses me off because congress is on video game developers asses about violence/nudity in games when really, its the parent's fault for ignoring THE M RATING THAT IS RIGHT ON THE BOX, and buying their whining kid a game that they later complain about because they did not know it was so violent. well... it says it right there on the case if you look for it hard enough, dumbass.
I definitly agree with you here. Politicans rant and rave about things in videogames that they don't even care about in movies. They still continue to believe gamers are children, when the average gamer today is 35.

wiiener said:
Well thats my rant. sorry but i hate when people dont like violence/nudity in games when you can see it just about every where else, but instead you complain about it like a whiny *****...
Everyone has a right to like or dislike certain things in videogames; you shouldn't hate people for having a different belief than you. There is nothing wrong with nudity, but these days it's portrayed in the worst way, just to get press. You sound more like a "whiny b*%$#" than most people here, to be honest.

wiiener said:
this game doesnt, "simply scream sony". I think Nintendo screams for this game, because nintendo needs more mature games for MATURE gamers ... There are MANY MANY more E games for kids than there are M games for older dudes, and i think it should be atleast balanced out to make everyone happy. That is the smart thing to do after all, target a larger range of ages in a group of people therefore, you get more business rather than just targeting 6 year olds with pissy attitudes...
I agree, Nintendo needs more mature games. I don't mean mature by a ton of blood and guts and strippers, but games that have a deep story or meaning behind them. At the same time, it needs some shooters, like the Tom Clancy games, which could really benefit from the wiimote's abilities especially in a game like Rainbow Six, where you could motion to a place with the wiimote for your squad to go and so on.
ill just say .. im not fat and im not perverted ... to an extreme extent (and i said that i DIDNT like the strippers and polygonal boobs)... nor do i care if someone is gay. I had a gay friend ... well, "aquaintance" ... for a while and most of them time didnt notice he was gay, and didnt care when i did notice... as long as he wasnt gay with me. ;) I do have a girlfriend, and i dont believe a rant makes people a whiny *****, as long as that person's rant makes a point and gives advice ... which mine did. And last but not least ... fighting over forums is as nerdy as dressing as a spock sex slave for comic con... so im keeping this short and sweet. Thanks for you comment Nate, i wasnt trying to push my opinion on anyone else, i was just trying to make them see what is happenning to gaming whether it be for better or for worse. Sorry if i came on a litle bit strong :p

i just dont like when little kids ruin the gaming market by getting the government on our ass because they and their parents dont follow the rules and dont know the consequences. I dont think anyone under 17 should get a M game unless they and their parents arent affected by violence/nudity because violence and nudity is in every M game, ... thats why it has a M rating. And when little kids so, their parents complain ... and that gets the government even more on our asses until there are no mature games and all we are stuck with is poor hits like, "nintendogs!" (sorry if you like that game, but its just a little bit too girly for me).

*sigh* my brain hurts ... i hate having to explain myslef ...
wiiener said:
ill just say .. im not fat and im not perverted ... to an extreme extent (and i said that i DIDNT like the strippers and polygonal boobs)... nor do i care if someone is gay. I had a gay friend ... well, "aquaintance" ... for a while and most of them time didnt notice he was gay, and didnt care when i did notice... as long as he wasnt gay with me. ;) I do have a girlfriend, and i dont believe a rant makes people a whiny *****, as long as that person's rant makes a point and gives advice ... which mine did. And last but not least ... fighting over forums is as nerdy as dressing as a spock sex slave for comic con... so im keeping this short and sweet. Thanks for you comment Nate, i wasnt trying to push my opinion on anyone else, i was just trying to make them see what is happenning to gaming whether it be for better or for worse. Sorry if i came on a litle bit strong :p

i just dont like when little kids ruin the gaming market by getting the government on our ass because they and their parents dont follow the rules and dont know the consequences. I dont think anyone under 17 should get a M game unless they and their parents arent affected by violence/nudity because violence and nudity is in every M game, ... thats why it has a M rating. And when little kids so, their parents complain ... and that gets the government even more on our asses until there are no mature games and all we are stuck with is poor hits like, "nintendogs!" (sorry if you like that game, but its just a little bit too girly for me).

*sigh* my brain hurts ... i hate having to explain myslef ...

Yeah, I don't like fighting in a forum either and thanks for explaining yourself.:)

I totally agree that parents need to be punished if their kid gets a hold of an M rated game and then goes out and kills someone, although I generally don't believe those that say they were inspired by a videogame are telling the truth. You have to be really screwed up in the head to kill someone and videogames, while violent, are a form of escapism. I play GTA: San Andreas often and I really like it because it's good at representing time periods and places as they really are.

As for Nintendogs, I'm not a fan either. While I don't think any game is "girly" I do think there are games, especially Nintendogs, that are too simplistic and lack a story. If I want to play with a dog, I'll play with my real dog, not some game dog, but I do like the concept of teaching a character in a game something.

When it comes to politics in congress surrounding games, it's not only little kids complaining who are ruining the mature games. People like Hillary Clinton and Joe Liberman, both democrats (which annoys me because I'm a democrat), want to appear more conservative so they can keep their jobs and get votes, by going after videogames. Why don't they look at all the violence and porn that's on the internet and make that stuff more difficult for kids to get to?? It's really rediculous and I hope both of those politicians fail if they run for president or congress because they just don't get it.

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