SD memory


Jul 6, 2006
So does anyone know or has anything been announced about the SD memory specifically? Can I use the same SD card I use for my camera or will it have to be specific Nintendo formatted SD cards that will most likely be more expensive?
i would say that it has to be formated by nintendo. and there are many diff. sizes for the sd slot, so the chances of it fitting are slim and the chances for it working are very little.
why call it SD then?

I dont see why it would have to be formatted by Nintendo - why else would they use SD other than the fact that those cards are already readily available from a multitude of manufacturers plus a lot of people already have these cards for their digital cameras/phones/mp3 players etc.

Now, that said, Im sure that Nintendo will produce their own SD cards specifically for Wii(for they could possible work in other applicaions as well, but I dont see the point in calling it an SD slot if it is not compatible with a standard SD card. I also heard that Nintendo would have cards capable of 7 gigs of storage - can anybody confirm?
actually all sd cards are the same size and technology so any of them should work, the wii may have to format the card though which would prolly mean that the card would have to be dedicated to the wii

the different sized cards are actually different types of storage media, in addition to sd there is compact flash, xd, memory stick etc that are all the same concept but different implementations and physical characteristics
The Nintendo SD cards will probaly be used to save virtual console games on and it would probaly only let you play in only on your wii to prevent piracy. You can probaly use other sd cards to listen to music, look at photos, and do much more on ur wii
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phiggey said:
I dont see why it would have to be formatted by Nintendo - why else would they use SD other than the fact that those cards are already readily available from a multitude of manufacturers plus a lot of people already have these cards for their digital cameras/phones/mp3 players etc.

Now, that said, Im sure that Nintendo will produce their own SD cards specifically for Wii(for they could possible work in other applicaions as well, but I dont see the point in calling it an SD slot if it is not compatible with a standard SD card.
that's what I was thinking
phiggey said:
I also heard that Nintendo would have cards capable of 7 gigs of storage - can anybody confirm?
I remember seeing that somewhere...
I think the reference to the 7 gig SD card was just sort of a number they were hoping to get to in the near future, but they wouldn't have them yet. At least that's what I understood from an article I read somewhere.
re: formatting - yeah, i agree prolly not going to happen

i saw the same article, i believe it said that nintendo was planning to release SD cards in the 2 to 7 GB range
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Arcadium said:
... I even doont know whaqts a SD card... do u mean Memory card???

man the smiley selection over here is pretty lame

sd is a type of mem card, just like compact flash.
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phiggey said:
I dont see why it would have to be formatted by Nintendo - why else would they use SD other than the fact that those cards are already readily available from a multitude of manufacturers plus a lot of people already have these cards for their digital cameras/phones/mp3 players etc.

Now, that said, Im sure that Nintendo will produce their own SD cards specifically for Wii(for they could possible work in other applicaions as well, but I dont see the point in calling it an SD slot if it is not compatible with a standard SD card. I also heard that Nintendo would have cards capable of 7 gigs of storage - can anybody confirm?

While you may not be able to insert your own SD Card that you use with your camera, or mp3 player into the sd slot, you will probably be able to connect a USB SD Card reader into one of the two USB ports on the back of the Wii and save your games-saves, or what have you, onto that card, or any memory card for that matter.
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NateTheGreat said:
While you may not be able to insert your own SD Card that you use with your camera, or mp3 player into the sd slot, you will probably be able to connect a USB SD Card reader into one of the two USB ports on the back of the Wii and save your games-saves, or what have you, onto that card, or any memory card for that matter.

Dont all in one readers generally hook up via USB?
Here's my rundown:

(this one has been mentioed) the different sizes of cards refered to above are not SD cards at all. each different size and shape is an entirely different technology, SD is only the name of one of them.

Formatting has nothing to do with the card itself. It really is more a matter of what is on the card. It's just like in the old floppy disk days, you had to format the disk. The disk itself was still exactly the same, but the way the data is stored is different. In order to prevent piracy I would think it fairly likely that it will have to be Nintendo formatted, but you won't need a special card to do that. Just put it in the slot and go to the right menu (look in the menu of you camera, I can almost guarantee that you will find a similar function)

I highly doubt that there will ever be blank DS cards available, much less from Nintendo. Just think, if you had a blank DS card and a borrowed DS game, what would you do with them?

Yes, the smiley selection could use some work
I dont know if this has been said, but in reference to how large SD cards are these days. . . Ive seen a few 4 gig cards that run between $75 and $110.

Just another thought for those of you brits out there. . . Does shift + 4 produce the pound currency symbol? . . . random. . .

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