Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Have The Best Soundtracks Ever In Games!!!


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
I played this game two games, they were both so awesome, and their soundtracks even more, it makes me sad when I hear this all perfect songs and I know that my DreamCast is gone... so sad... I love this songs... :D

For all the Sega fans, but mostly Sonic fans here's some of my favourite songs from this soundtracks:

But I love this one the most:


Credit goes to Truesonic1 who putted all this awesome songs in Youtube... :)

OMG!!! I miss you DreamCast!!! :(
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Guitar hero ?

Streets of rage trilogy ?
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Darkprinny said:
Guitar hero ?

Streets of rage trilogy ?

Sure Guitar Hero is Great... but I'm refering to a game, not being a music game genre...

Streets of rage?? Never played that one!?! Good stuff on there??
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minto said:
i loved the dreamcast i should hook my old one up......................

I can't play it, I don't have it now, I miss it...
But it's not like I want to play it again... it's just that it were good old times... :)
demonflair said:
Sure Guitar Hero is Great... but I'm refering to a game, not being a music game genre...

Streets of rage?? Never played that one!?! Good stuff on there??

There [STRIKE]good[/STRIKE] execlent games as well
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minto said:
why not go on ebay im sure u could get a cheap one with 3-4 games

If those 3/4 games include Shenmue 1, Skies of Arcadia, and the 2 Sonic Adventure games... then I might have to reconsider it... but nah, I have my Wii and I'm happy with it, plus there's a Sega title in it's way, NIGHTS :cool:
Sonic adventures
There out on game cube as well
Do you mean Shaodow
Or that new guy
Mega drive/genisis
Also out on the vc

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