

WiiChat Member
Aug 7, 2006
go to , and check out the first 5 pieces of news. they are all something bad about sony. do u think that the ps3 will be the death of sony?
it seems like it will at least be there last console. it kinda sux, i mean, im a nintendo fan all the way, but the ps1 and the ps2 were both kickass systems. they had great games. i mean, i wanted nintendo to beat sony, but i did not want sony to die!! well, at least im a nintendo fan. but i do feel sorry 4 the sony fans.:(

btw, im not trying 2 make fun of sony or the ps3
Lol, alot of ppl r thinking that the PS3 will be Sony's downfall, and I might not be surprised.

I mean this system's so expensive and non-innovative that alot of ppl will/have wrote it off.

On the other hand Sony had so many diehard fans (like nintendo) that that might propel them towards at least 1 more console.

I really think this will be their worst selling console to date, but I still think they will at least produce one more console:)

*EDIT* Ha, ya. The title Sony in the Wii-chat section:lol:
Payback baby! w00t! Lol, one thing I can say for positive is that Nintendo will outlast Sony & Microsoft, at least as far as gaming systems go.
"Now introducing the PS4! We will have everything anyone could want! A grill, a fridge, a Blac-Ray player, and an entire Media Center! Oh **** we forgot games!"

^ thats where 360 and ps3 are heading =]
Sovieto said:
"Now introducing the PS4! We will have everything anyone could want! A grill, a fridge, a Blac-Ray player, and an entire Media Center! Oh **** we forgot games!"

^ thats where 360 and ps3 are heading =]
Lol, ya.

"P5 (get it, because the 5 looks like an "S", hoho) also known as, the rip off of the Wii, we've got bluray 10,000, a remote that has remote sensitivity, I mean motion sensitivity. What did I just say?!?! HAhehehahahehaha! GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!! GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!!! WATCH OUT FOR THE GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!! With our new 10-d graphics it looks like it's ripping my head off! HAAHHAHAHAHAEHHEHEHEHE!"
ssbb_lover said:
Lol, ya.

"P5 (get it, because the 5 looks like an "S", hoho) also known as, the rip off of the Wii, we've got bluray 10,000, a remote that has remote sensitivity, I mean motion sensitivity. What did I just say?!?! HAhehehahahehaha! GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!! GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!!! WATCH OUT FOR THE GIANT ENEMY CRAB!!!! With our new 10-d graphics it looks like it's ripping my head off! HAAHHAHAHAHAEHHEHEHEHE! OHH NOO!! SAVE ME RIDGE RACER! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER!!!!!

hhehehehehehewehehe i added to teh funnyness
^ That was Funny! :lol: ^

What Will NIntendo Be In The Future?
Son: Dad? What Game Did You Used To PLay?
Dad: Well We Had Motion Senstive Remotes That Allowed Us To Play Games On The Wii...
Son: Wow, Thats Boring Compared To Our Virtual Reality, Hi Tech, Feel The Punches, Nintendo COnsole...

That Was A Little Bland, But You Get The Point ;)
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
^ That was Funny! :lol: ^

What Will NIntendo Be In The Future?
Son: Dad? What Game Did You Used To PLay?
Dad: Well We Had Motion Senstive Remotes That Allowed Us To Play Games On The Wii...
Son: Wow, Thats Boring Compared To Our Virtual Reality, Hi Tech, Feel The Punches, Nintendo COnsole...

That Was A Little Bland, But You Get The Point ;)

PSH, i would be like:


but yah virtual reality, wii is bringing us a HUGE STEP closer to that
u know...ps2 might of killed dreamcast, but dreamcast was a VERY powerful and fun system, alot of great looking games (ecco, shemmeu) and many other games, plus it had online and could run emulators WITHOUT a mod chip
NeMeZyZ said:
u know...ps2 might of killed dreamcast, but dreamcast was a VERY powerful and fun system, alot of great looking games (ecco, shemmeu) and many other games, plus it had online and could run emulators WITHOUT a mod chip

And how cool was House of the dead2 with lightguns, Sega Bass Fishing with the rod :D I still play with my DC every now and then when I have time to take it out.
lol i just think it is funny that a wii chat thread is called sony lol i know theres something wrong wiht me
I don't see why so many people are putting down sony. The ps3 will not be it's downfall. The only downside I see to the ps3 is price, which is why I plan to wait a year before buying (that saved me a ton when waiting for ps2 years back).

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