SSBB friend codes anyone?

Whoa, theres really a million threads that get bumped & the noobs get yelled out so they make a thread get a few codes & leave forever -sigh...
Mine's is 2106-9355-8938.

PM me if you added, then I'll add you.
Friend Codes.

pm me if you add me.

wii console: 5278-4481-4774-5710

cod waw friend code: 4211-3590-3495

mario kart friend code: 4339-7471-7312

SSBB(super Smash bros brawl) Friend Code: 1806-6457-8496

you are almost certain to have fun!!! :)

i'll play you at ssbb, my friend code is 3266 5004 5015 nick name:Falco tell me when you wana play
Hey everyone here, looking for active and competitive players. If thats you then feel free to add me. Im on all the time.
FC: 5456 5004 2348
and plz let me know if you add me!

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