I did my research Lucas Arts is saying there "might" be one in the making, but it wouldn't be the light sabers like we all hope. I am hoping for 1 that would be cool
a question i asked myself the day i got my wii. will there ever be a star wars game 4 the wii? it would be brill if there was! lightsaber battles with darth vader man that would b cool!
i was speaking to George the other day and he said that he was waiting to see how well the Wii did before deciding to bring out a Star Wars game on the Wii or not. I mentioned that over a handfull of people had Wiis so he did say that he would definately get his team on it....he then proceeded to beat me at Wii Sports Bowling so i then beat him to death with my nunchuk
Even if the Wii gets Force Unleashed it won't see the light of day until 2008 - yep it's been delayed. I think there will be a standalone Star Wars game for the Wii at some point....