Super Mario Party Kart: Paper Brawl

"But with the groundbreaking creative possibilities of Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo DS, how about just one Mario appearance per year and more energy spent on new characters?"

If you look at the games where Mario appears most often, character development isn't exactly a primary concern. What sort of character development can you really have in sports games, party games, and racing games? Does it really matter if your soccer team has Mario on it or some other new character? Not so much. It doesn't really help or hurt that Mario is in those titles. I thought maybe the Miis would become more prominent in Nintendo's future sports titles but so far that doesn't look like it will be the case.

At any rate, in the games where the character actually matters, Mario only appears about once per year. 2007 was a bit of an exception with Galaxy, Paper Mario, and New SMB all coming out in the same year but it had been a while since Sunshine and 1000 Year Door.