Many people were very disappointed when the news surfaced recently that Super Meat Boy would not be coming to WiiWare, as had been previously announced in early 2009. Joystiq has an excellent interview with designer Edmund McMillen, who along with programmer Tommy Refenes forms Team Meat, the makers of Super Meat Boy. McMillen told Joystiq that after testing a version of the game that was the right size to comply with Nintendo’s 400MB file-size restriction for WiiWare, Team Meat concluded that they would have to make too many compromises and cuts, such as having no leaderboards, no Dark World levels, no support for downloadable additions, no music for boss fights and cut scenes, and only six music tracks in all. Not wanting to release what they considered to be a sub-par version of their smash hit Xbox Live Arcade, PC and Mac platform game, Team Meat decided to can the whole project, meaning no Super Meat Boy for us, on WiiWare at least.

McMillen told Joystiq that Team Meat has looked into the possibility of releasing the game on a Wii retail disc, but so far three large publishers have turned them down, hinting to Team Meat that they only consider Nintendo brand games to be capable of turning a profit. Make no mistake though, Team Meat still loves Nintendo and doesn’t have any hard feelings!
“Don’t let this or the fact that SMB isn’t releasing on PS3 OR WiiWare fool you into thinking we don’t love Sony or Nintendo, we love them all,” McMillen assured Joystiq. “If we had the ability the game would be released on ALL systems, but it just doesn’t seem like that was in the cards this time.”