The Closed Combo Video Thread

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o.o 45 posts in a row. Shouldve just done it all in one post imo.

Fox Brawl Combo Vids: [video=youtube;ZkdqETyvI_I][/video]

Ike Combo Vids: [video=youtube;U4goJzib4UQ][/video]

Marth Brawl Combo Vids: [video=youtube;G9cVTkP4_KQ][/video]

Marth Melee Combo Vids: [video=youtube;Vu2twMv_Bpw][/video]
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  • #47
Hey, looks like Dinner's the first to post here. Great combo videos dude, thanks for all of them. Editting them in right after this post. Watching all of them in a row's left me brainwashed though, so I won't upload my own videos until later today. x.o;
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Update! It's small, but aside from Dinner's videos, I added 3 combo video montages of multiple characters, and a Snake combo video. Hope you like them - and note, the Melee one stars M2K in all his smashing glory. You will watch it or die. :D
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Meta Knight:


Toon Link:

CK I thought that you knew the forum rules. You posted 45 posts in a row. Wow :D
How did I not see this 45-posts-from-one-person thread yet?
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  • #53
How did I not see this 45-posts-from-one-person thread yet?

r u kitten me right meow? How many threads are you gonna revive 'fore ya do so with good reason? -_- Not many more 'fore I smack you with the 'Karphammer, bloody hell. Chill on the pointless thread revives bro.

I've no intention of keepin' this thread up t' date; that's pretty damn obvious as is; so I'm closin' it. Anyone's free t' make their own combo video thread to replace this one if they've intent to have it do better than this one.
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