The conduit, best first person shooter, I think so


The conduit!
Nov 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
I just got the game yesterday and nintendo finally made a good shooting game (would of been nice if there was split screen) but that's ok. If I had to rank them it would be like this, (for online).

1. The conduit
2. Medal of Honors heros 2
3. Call of Duty 5

also put ur friend code down I need to get some friends fir the conduit

Mine: 2536 1504 4643
37 The Conduit threads and counting.
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Dude I know, this is like the best first person shooter o line game ever. it's like yhe woos version of halo. I hope they make a secound one lol. With downloadable content.
Dude I know, this is like the best first person shooter o line game ever.
So its like Quake live?
it's like yhe woos version of halo. I hope they make a secound one lol. With downloadable content.


If it's like Halo I wont bother getting it.
The game pisses me off when I play online. It takes too many shots to kill someone, and after after filling them with two clips of pistol ammunition, they can simply shoot you once and you die. Maybe its just because I prefer realistic shooters, but I prefer World at War's multiplayer (the Wii version).
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The game pisses me off when I play online. It takes too many shots to kill someone, and after after filling them with two clips of pistol ammunition, they can simply shoot you once and you die. Maybe its just because I prefer realistic shooters, but I prefer World at War's multiplayer (the Wii version).

I agree. The Conduit was vastly overrated IMO. It takes too long to find matches online, players appear to warp through walls. Sometimes, upon spawning in a game, players will be "walled" or have a black screen with nonrespsonsive buttons.

There are far too many flaws with The Conduit. Call of Duty's online multiplayer is polished and smooth, and it is far more realistic. World at War > The Conduit.

Also, it's nonsense to have to wait for each player to be "Authenticated" before joining a match. In World at War, it's a 1, 2, 3 process.

I also don't like that you always have the same two weapons (depending on the set), and that the only way to acquire more is to find them in the map, because most of the time I can't even find any. I still haven't found the Trust gun that supposedly lets you guide missiles.
1. world at war
2. the conduit
3. moh heroes 2

if you're an actual fan of fps, there really isn't much to debate.
I agree. The Conduit was vastly overrated IMO. It takes too long to find matches online, players appear to warp through walls. Sometimes, upon spawning in a game, players will be "walled" or have a black screen with nonrespsonsive buttons.

There are far too many flaws with The Conduit. Call of Duty's online multiplayer is polished and smooth, and it is far more realistic. World at War > The Conduit.

Lmao COD5 wii multiplayer is the buggiest I've ever played, even the 360 version is bugged. And of course it's more realistic, it's WWII ffs, Conduit is futuristic.
Lmao COD5 wii multiplayer is the buggiest I've ever played, even the 360 version is bugged. And of course it's more realistic, it's WWII ffs, Conduit is futuristic.

Assuming they've fixed the same bugs/glitches on 360 as well as PS3, I can assure you that there are now little to no problems in World at War online.

Are you talking about at release or currently? There is a huge difference.

As for this generation, I think that the best FPS is Call of Duty 4.
Assuming they've fixed the same bugs/glitches on 360 as well as PS3, I can assure you that there are now little to no problems in World at War online.

Are you talking about at release or currently? There is a huge difference.

As for this generation, I think that the best FPS is Call of Duty 4.

Oh I guess release as that's around when I played it.
People always kill/murder me online I get very crappy guns to start out with, its non-sense to be authorized to play online with people. i like and dislike the futuristic weapons. i think it would be better if High Voltage software made a better online radar system, to download on the wii shop something like, and on the 2 last missions Mr. Ford don't completely turn fully around sometimes-pisses me off. but other than that its cool and halo for wii like or doom 3 for wii like also i think. those 2 probs need major fixing and problem is solved i think.
Assuming they've fixed the same bugs/glitches on 360 as well as PS3, I can assure you that there are now little to no problems in World at War online.

Are you talking about at release or currently? There is a huge difference.

As for this generation, I think that the best FPS is Call of Duty 4.

I bought CoD4 not to long ago and I'm loving it. The online is really deep, tons of maps and modes to choose from, and it's easy to find people playing as there are around 100-120k people on at a given time.

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