The Nintendo Wii has sooooooo much potential....


WiiChat Member
May 15, 2006
The Nintendo Wii has sooooooo much potential it's not even funny....Nintendo just has to unleash it. I suppose time will tell, but I think that Nintendo will have to take a few risks as well as open up to what the public is saying to expand on what they do with the Wii. Hopefully, Nintendo fully realizes this potential and unleashes it to the max. They can do it right, and if they do, I think this console can pull them back as major competition in the video game industry.

This is it, Nintendo. Don't hold anything back. :)
Yeah, I think this time Nintendo will overtake the other consoles, I can definitely feel the great potential that the Wii has, I hope it's a success for not just them but for us gamers. :)
Did you hear the wait times to get into nintendo's booth at E3, 4hours. They definitly have people's attention.
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You are very correct, this is the reason why I am so eager for the Wii, This system is just dripping with innovations and potential, and what we have seen at E3 is just the tip of the iceberg, I am looking forward to truly having a fun time playing the games for the Wii.
Such a refreshing change to have a company committed to push the boundries to provide the freshest gaming experience. Focusing on playability and gameplay rather than the eye candy and latest graphical effects is what its all about.
I think people are starting to get tired of the same old rehashes and want to see some new ideas. If Nintendo can get their marketing right, the Wii could pay off big time.
i0n said:
Such a refreshing change to have a company committed to push the boundries to provide the freshest gaming experience. Focusing on playability and gameplay rather than the eye candy and latest graphical effects is what its all about.
Indeed, it seems that Microsoft and Sony are just going for flashy gaming horsepower, and they are losing the spirit of the games. This is the main reason I am so excited for the Wii, Nintendo is brilliant for NOT competing with them, but instead is focusing on its own niche market, innovative and fun game play. This is also why the DS is outselling the PSP almost 3 to 1.
If Nintendo had just got for a high end gaming system this generation like the other companies I would not be giving them a second look. But luckily they have not, and they have my gaming dollars for now.
Sorry for making two posts in a row.

The problem with Sony and Microsoft is stagnation, each of their systems are basically just upgrades of the previous generation. Keeping the system name is a sign of this Playstation and XBOX, yes from a marketing standpoint it is a good idea to keep the same name from system to system. It creates a sense of familiarity, but it also gives an appearance of “All it is is just an upgraded version of the previous system, nothing really new” The same goes for the controllers, yes it is good to have a controller that stays basically the same from system to system, once again it helps people make the change over, but it also causes stagnation. Stagnation is a trap that can cause serious harm to a company; Nintendo is avoiding that by taking risks with something new. It is the reason I love the company. The only true innovations on the Playstaion and XBOX are from the third party developers. Sony and Microsoft themselves have never really made the leaps of innovation that makes playing games fun.
^-- all of that is very true, though i'm a sucker for the eye candy as well....

however, the wii has such versatility that i'm already sold (the controller add ons and such, and the vconsole, not to mention the wiimote itself)

now i just have to figure out how i'm going to play the new final fantasy games....i just read that xiii is confirmed for a ps3 only release :(
phimuajedi69 said:
^-- all of that is very true, though i'm a sucker for the eye candy as well....

however, the wii has such versatility that i'm already sold (the controller add ons and such, and the vconsole, not to mention the wiimote itself)

now i just have to figure out how i'm going to play the new final fantasy games....i just read that xiii is confirmed for a ps3 only release :(

Well I also plan to get a PS3 eventually (MGS4), but will wait 3 years or so. That is what I did for the PS2, wait till it comes down in price and all the major bugs have been worked out. And if the blu-ray tech losses out to HD DVD you can get the PS3 for a steal. Just be patient, you will get your FF fix.
Just be patient, you will get your FF fix.

Yeah i know, i mean, xii isn't even out yet so i'll get that one and give the ps2 one more good workout... it'll be a while (couple years prolly) before they release xiii, maybe by then the ps3 will be a reasonable price
I completely agree that the Wii has tons of potential, and the "Wiimote" is a good way to make a controller that works with any game! :D
As I've said in a previous post, Nintendo have always been for the gamer, Microsoft and Sony are both used to competing in the area of multimedia technology, as it has been noted, they just like to play with the newest gadgets. I have enjoyed the Final Fantasy series, and a few other GREAT games for the Playstation, and ps2, but I'm afraid great games are few and far between, I have always loved Nintendo because they've always been dedicated to gamers, the whole concept of the Wii in my opinion is extremely brilliant, it has such an enormous amount of potential as a games console, and at the moment, I feel Nintendo are the only company making games consoles, instead of some multimedia THING with graphics that are so amazing you can't even see the difference.*nod*

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