The Official Call of Duty: WaW Friend Code Exchange

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i like to play with people that i have a good connection with...
usually that means with people that are near you
i'm in texas so anyone near texas should add me...

i am sick and tired of people hacking. i don't understand why people stay in games where someone is hacking, it gets me so angry i want to slap my butt.
if i catch anyone hacking i'll get them in a room with a bat and teach them a lesson.
hey 1 toke u wanted me to show u satchel glitches awhile back but u r NEVER on wen i am
if u catch me online
b sure to invite me and shggity srry but im low on space and can only accept high level ppls
as long as ur good u can b my friend
im prestige 8
lvl 57 trin 2 hit 9 prestige
yea i guess i could say im good im starting to win more often...maybe 1 loss for every 5 wins...idk...add me and look at my stats...i cant get on now tho
Hey dont be a cuadruple-posting spammer!!! if people wanna play with you they´ll pm you!!