The Pokemon League Thread

i dont need pokemon for me to do that, dw bout it i dont want dakari anyway coz its hacked:lol: how the hell can it b legit?
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lol i live in a palce part of japan excepts its its old island where pearl hardbor and lots of fighting took place! okinawa i tried to sue mystery gift the day th emove came out but..yea
deadlydasher said:
lol i live in a palce part of japan excepts its its old island where pearl hardbor and lots of fighting took place! okinawa i tried to sue mystery gift the day th emove came out but..yea

>.>, Seriously dude you have like the worst english ever XD, how the hell did you write 300+ posts with that XD
youll sayign how bad dasher types but i seen him type he only edit's its if it somthing important like the league him and this otherguy made a long time ago but if its not important then he want edited it and nothing he really post is important if you notice lol
ohhh so its u! why dont u use your other username? but to b fair it is hard to read what u write coz there are so many mistakes. im lucky coz i can basically touch type now, but sometimes i still have to look at the keyboard