Time for a update
Mega man is possably one of the hardest games ever
China warrior is unknown to me
So its a dissapointing week for us VC game fans but wii had F-zero X last week so wii needed some crap
Mega man
NES 500pts
(also on a Megaman collection for the Game Cube/PS2 not out in the UK)
NES 500pts
(also on a Megaman collection for the Game Cube/PS2 not out in the UK)

teh wiki said:Mega Man is made up of six stages, with a Robot Master at the end guarding a weapon. The stage select screen allows the player to choose from these six stages, and when they are all completed, the seventh and last stage appears in the middle of the menu, replacing the text "Stage Select, Press Start". This last stage is in fact more like four regular stages linked together, some a bit shorter than average, but with bosses that are considered harder than usual.
China Warrior


----------------------------teh wiki said:There are 4 levels which are broken down into 3 parts each. At the end of each level is a boss. The martial artist could throw high or low punches and kicks, which can also be done in midair. The control was essentially designed to be similar to the arcade game Kung Fu Master. The graphics utilized very large character models that fill up the screen. They were capable of moving without any graphical flickering
Mega man is possably one of the hardest games ever
China warrior is unknown to me
So its a dissapointing week for us VC game fans but wii had F-zero X last week so wii needed some crap
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