This weeks UK vc games 22/6/07


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Time for a update

Mega man
NES 500pts
(also on a Megaman collection for the Game Cube/PS2 not out in the UK)
teh wiki said:
Mega Man is made up of six stages, with a Robot Master at the end guarding a weapon. The stage select screen allows the player to choose from these six stages, and when they are all completed, the seventh and last stage appears in the middle of the menu, replacing the text "Stage Select, Press Start". This last stage is in fact more like four regular stages linked together, some a bit shorter than average, but with bosses that are considered harder than usual.​


China Warrior
teh wiki said:
There are 4 levels which are broken down into 3 parts each. At the end of each level is a boss. The martial artist could throw high or low punches and kicks, which can also be done in midair. The control was essentially designed to be similar to the arcade game Kung Fu Master. The graphics utilized very large character models that fill up the screen. They were capable of moving without any graphical flickering

Mega man is possably one of the hardest games ever
China warrior is unknown to me

So its a dissapointing week for us VC game fans but wii had F-zero X last week so wii needed some crap
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Megaman looks like it will be a successful VC. The adventure of the game is fantastic from what I hear. I've never heard of this China Warrior game.
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It is a good game
But its ard as a UFC chapion x ten

I might have to start up the EMU to play some T/G games
Screw legality I cant find a t/g in the uk
Megaman is cool game to get and buy.. if you got the megaman collection for the gamecube, then thats what you want to get.
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Kenji510 said:
Megaman is cool game to get and buy.. if you got the megaman collection for the gamecube, then thats what you want to get.

Get mega man if you have the megaman collection wryyyyyyyyyyyyyy whould you want to do that
Mega man is a fun game but my all-time fav is mega man 2 with MM 3 a close second. It's really realy hard as well but still beatable. I think the most frustrating part is either the jumping in gutsman's stage or iceman's stage where you have to jump from floaty thing to floaty thing with penguins going by, if the penguins hit mega man in midair then he becomes invisible like he does when he always gets hit but he also goes transparent so even if mm is right above the floaty thing when he got hit he will fall through everytime. Took me 5x longer to get through all the robots because of that bug. very frustrating but that's 80's nintendo for ya.

China warrior though looks like crap:sick:
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Conan the Librarian said:
like I've said before.....Right off the bat, I got MegaMan Collection, Sonic Collection, and Namco Classic Collection........about 10 games now on these 3 discs are available for download.
Try combinein them with the mgea drive collection
Allmost all the sega games are on it
Conan the Librarian said:
hmmmm......can I use Megadrive collection on my US Wii? great idea though........I will investigate........... great suggestion!

Sorry, it's a PS2 game. If you have a PS2 though I'd recommend it.

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