To make $50...


On the Highway to Hell!
Let me start off by saying, if this is off-topic, please, all mods feel free to move the topic.

Anyway, I just recently had to go grocery shopping for my family, and little did I know, I HAD TO PAY!!

Thank God I have already fully reserved Zelda TP and Red Steel.

But I am down to 200 dollars! I need a way to make 50 dollars, any way, can be easy, or hard, I dont care, I need something to make a very quick 50 dollars to pay for my Wii.
Mow some lawns. Easy 20 bucks here and there. Pray for snow so you can shovel it? Enter a local poker game . . . I picked up $75 for a 10 dollar buy in and a $5 rebuy in. Just a few off the top of my head.

Oh! When I was kid I used to always clean out the couches and find all the loose change that had fallen out of peoples pockets over time. Sometimes it could be $10 or $15.

That's it. I'm tapped.
My thoughts:

rake leaves (if you live in an area where there are a lot of oak trees you can really clean up)
clean out people's gutters
donate blood (some places will pay for it and some places won't you'll have to do some searching)
donate sperm (18 and older only :smilewinkgrin:)

I have others but they're kind of frowned upon (most are technically illegal :shocked: )

Good luck, wait, you have more money saved than I do! Maybe I should take some of my own advice. :crazy:

Over time
thats what im doing

blood I take not give
Odd Jobs

Depending on where you live (if it is safe), goto each door in your neighborhood, explain your situation and ask if there are any odd jobs you might perform for a few bucks.

It might take 10 jobs, but by the time the Wii comes out, you're set.
You can sell your gamecube the week before. There is bound to be someone out there who will give you a few dollars for it (perhaps not quite 50, but... its a little extra...)