top 3 things the wii needs to survive!

Of course it is, as long as the developer knows what he's doing. How can you get bored of the Wii controls unless they make it stupid. The controls for Wii is one of the most fun things, its just the stupid crappy games that the casual market is letting happen. Why do I say letting? Because they're the ones buying it, so developers know its easy money. What would be cool is a medieval RPG game that uses the wii-mote for the sword and the aiming for shooting bows. But a developer needs to make the sword play work well or it will bomb. But the chances of that are slim if games like No More Heroes doesn't sell well, or the casual market keep giving them business in gay games.
T3kNi9e said:
Im not a fanboy, I just know what fun is. The Wii needs to improve and thats that. Shut the hell up with your stupid ass threats. You think I give a **** about what you think. Btw, yes I do go play my Xbox over my Wii, I guess its my fault Wii doesn't have anything good worth getting except SSBB and Mario Kart... Yeah, I MUST be a fanboy!

I cant believe you threaten someone over the internet with a shotgun, as if owning a shotgun is so shocking OMG!! HE OWNS A SHOTGUN! Any 18 year old can legally buy a shotgun, you probably can't even shoot one, let alone have the balls to shoot anyway you fag. Go cry more because you can't take critizism.

Wow, jimbo, are you actually threatening to shoot someone with a shotgun?

Lol, get a life. :lol:

Seriously, T3k and myself are simply discussing the pro's and con's of different systems. I think we both like ALL the systems, but aren't afraid to mention the faults.

But YOU are REALLY talking about shooting someone over this? are the epitome of an "internet thug". All talk and absolutely NO action, because in real life, you are a scared little kid, who tries to make himself seem "big" online because its the only way you can actually be "tough".
T3kNi9e said:
Im not a fanboy, I just know what fun is. The Wii needs to improve and thats that. Shut the hell up with your stupid ass threats. You think I give a **** about what you think. Btw, yes I do go play my Xbox over my Wii, I guess its my fault Wii doesn't have anything good worth getting except SSBB and Mario Kart... Yeah, I MUST be a fanboy!

I cant believe you threaten someone over the internet with a shotgun, as if owning a shotgun is so shocking OMG!! HE OWNS A SHOTGUN! Any 18 year old can legally buy a shotgun, you probably can't even shoot one, let alone have the balls to shoot anyway you fag. Go cry more because you can't take critizism.

Is calling him a fag any better? Beside what does that have to with anything?

To the one who made the threat, it is not right to make these kinds of threats, they serve nothing, can you actually carry it out? and if you could, is killing someone over video games worth it?

If you were joking, not a good thing to joke about...
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Yer my mate who owns a 360 with 'AAA" titles, trades his games in once a month and gets new ones. There is just no replay value. Ive kept all my Wii games, and havent once considered trading them in. They just all have something to go back to.
And then if they DONT, its always really fun to go back to them just for the motion controls (I'm feeling that way with SSX Blur, its gotten a bit repeptitive, but the controls for it actually work as far as sports games on Wii go).

One thing Wii needs to survive? A freaking headset... ZOMG just release it!!!
WiitnessID said:
It's simple they can't buy the other system. I'll spend like $2,000 in the next few months building another PC for fun and work. Not may people can do that and not many people can buy a $250system + $270-$400xbox(what ever version) and live and then expect to buy some games. All gamers don't have nice jobs and the ones that do will buy what they want yet if you look at the sales of a lot of games they are actually not doing as good as they should because gamers buying power is spread out among lots of games.

It's the same thing that happened to PC gaming... people just can't keep up if you keep raising the price. $200-$300 has always been the sweet spot for all consoles.

They may want but simply can not afford. Now once you start making that console part of the families entertainment then you start working with a larger budget.

Also too if the Wii did offer online and HD graphics it would actually stop it from selling to the Wii sports and future wii fit fans. Which would be stupid.

Then, like I said before, people should prioritize what is most important to them in a gaming system before their money. If you can only afford one system, don't you do research, figure out which system works the best for you as an individual, and then go from there?

If HD and Online gaming is a top priority then you buy a PS3 or 360- it's that simple. Just like computers-gaming on my pc is not important, but multimedia is- so I bought an imac. You choose a system based on your needs as a gamer.
T3kNi9e, people will think that youre a xbox fanboy because every single one of your posts seems to criticize the Wii and say how great your 360 is. Maybe you just need to change the record sometimes.

Bumble14. I totally agree, why would 360/PS3 owners want the Wii to be exactly like the 360/PS3? If they already own both consoles shouldnt they be looking for some variety? I mean if all games were exactly the same on all consoles then there would be no point in owning more than one console.

I think that the 3 things the Wii needs is..

1. Better third party support, in terms of both game quality and advertising.
2. An option to add a usb harddrive.
3. Pilotwings, either on Wii or VC, i just badly need this game. Ok maybe not just Pilotwings but a constant flow of Nintendo classic remakes with games such as F-Zero, Waverace, Starfox, Donkey Kong, 1080 (with balance board options), Kid Icarus and also new Nintendo IPs that can become future classics.
The one thing that I think will make the Wii survive is the fact that it's backwards compatable. I can't play PS2 games on the PS3 and same with Xbox. Why waste my money on another console if I only can play the new games. Second....Xbox and PS3's have both had problems with overheating and breakdowns. Most wii's that have been purchased were fine out of the box. I had to replace mine but that was because there was a video error and I got it replaced for free.
Wii is here to stay for awhile I think!
Okay how about this... Wii's online is great, ive never experienced anything like it. Btw, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 and Carnival Games were great!!!

Yeah right... People can't take the truth. It's a fact Wii 3rd party games suck and its a fact their online sucks. I only mentioned Xbox and PS3 to compare. If you think Wii's or 3rd party is comparable to Xbox and PS3 your either extremely stupid, have no idea what good is or a complete Wii fanboy.

Please correct anything that I said thats a lie. Because the only arguement anyone has so far is calling me a fanboy instead of proving me wrong. You can find so many topics in these forums about people wanting better 3rd party and complaining about Wii's friend codes and lack of online games. Yet when someone posts an article made by a random guy, they all cry "FANBOY" and claim the article is BS. The only thing I disagree with in the article was claiming Wii needs more periphials to stay fun, which is not true.
PrincesPch said:
The one thing that I think will make the Wii survive is the fact that it's backwards compatable. I can't play PS2 games on the PS3 and same with Xbox. Why waste my money on another console if I only can play the new games. Second....Xbox and PS3's have both had problems with overheating and breakdowns. Most wii's that have been purchased were fine out of the box. I had to replace mine but that was because there was a video error and I got it replaced for free.
Wii is here to stay for awhile I think!

Perfect example of people who say things who dont know anything.
PS3 does have backward compatibility, infact its 100% until recently they released the 40gig version which does not. The other versions of do/did have backward compatibility. 360 has 20 games of 485 games that dont work. 465 games work fine. Ive bought 6 original xbox games and they all work with no problems.

PS3 does not have overheating problems so what are you talking about?
Xbox is the one with the big problem which has been fixed with the 65nm Processors and with 3 year warranty, you get it replaced for free...
I don't understand the backwards compatibility argument. Either you already have a Gamecube so you don't need another box to play Gamecube games or you don't have a Gamecube so you don't have Gamecube games or controllers anyways. And it's not even worth handing down the Gamecube to someone else because you're still going to need the games and controllers. My Gamecube is still hooked up to my TV and I don't plan on changing that any time soon.
T3kNi9e said:
Yeah right... People can't take the truth. It's a fact Wii 3rd party games suck and its a fact their online sucks. I only mentioned Xbox and PS3 to compare. If you think Wii's or 3rd party is comparable to Xbox and PS3 your either extremely stupid, have no idea what good is or a complete Wii fanboy.

Please correct anything that I said thats a lie. Because the only arguement anyone has so far is calling me a fanboy instead of proving me wrong.
I was just pointing out why people may think you are an xbox fanboy as it really seemed to upset you.

I dont think that anyone said that Wii's third party was comparable to 360/PS3 so im not sure why you are thinking they are. Its obvious that third party titles are much better on 360 (and PS3 although i dont think it is as good as 360s is yet), just as first party support is always going to be much better on Wii.

PS3s backwards compatibility is between 100% and 0%, depending on which sku you have. 360s backwards compatibilty really is improving over time. I think PrincesPch's point was that Wii is the only console that is 100% guaranteed to be backwards compatible for every single game right now though. So they wasnt too far wrong.
hal: yes that is true, infact I bought the 40gig because I didnt care about it since my PS2 still works fine and takes up little space. In fact I just got Shadow of Colossus recently for PS2 even though I have PS3.

raisinghelen: Well if being a fanboy is me liking the Xbox then it doesnt really matter. But the way I see a fanboy is someone who will never admit to their consoles flaws, who will love something no matter what. They're acting like im lying about the Wii. As if Wii's online is not lacking, as if Wii has all the 3rd parties as 360 and PS3 and im just a lying fanboy out to make 360/PS3 seem better. But its facts and people cry.

But also, I would never said Xbox, PS3 or Wii has better 1st party over another console because that comes down to personal preference depending on the player. IMO that would be fanboyism, because thats opinion not fact.