top 3 things the wii needs to survive!

T3kNi9e said:
Some of you guys are seriously so full of **** that its showing.

Two of the big paragraphs in this article are completely true and has been bought up in these forums countless times. ONLINE, Wii's online fukkin sucks. If you think its all great then you have little or no experience with 360, PS3 and PC. Nintendo gives the appearance of true online when they advertise "Wi-fi" so much, its true it has wi-fi it has online games, but the library is so small right now that you might as well not advertise anything.

Substance over Novelty, this one has been even more talked about on these forums. Nintendo is the only developer to make more serious games that are actually good while other developers make nothing but mini-game trash or very low quality games. Yet you guys are bash the guy for saying it in a article? Its true that the Wii attracted people because of the new controls and style of play. Of course price was a big factor too, but with all those commercials of Wii players looking all happy and playing their Wii's that also had a big impact. The fact is, so far Wii has more stupid crap games than they do actual quality games.

Periphials, now this one is not entirely true. I dont think people will get tired of the Wii's controls, BUT... That doesn't mean it makes them special forever. Once you get used to it, the Wii's controls are nothing special... Especially when the best aspect of point and click is barely used.

So its true, he even admits that Wii will still sell, but for it to sustain itself as truley a console instead of just a fall back console for people to play when they get bored. So far, with the small library of Wii games, and the pathetic online, thats what it is for me. Its forcing me to put my Wii away and wait for something worth buying.

So stop being such fanboys and admit the flaws in your console, I admit the flaws in every console I own because im not blind and stupid. I really think most Wii owners are envious of people who own PS3/360 because the FACT (not opinion, you can check metacritic for this) is that they have better overall games. Well, PS3 is a little behind but it WILL pick up 2008. Be real, sales mean nothing when most people who bought the Wii were parents for their kids/family. Who I might add, most of them know almost nothing about games, so what is there to gloat about?

As always (well, most of the time) T3k hits the nail on the head.

I love my Wii, but man does it have some shortcomings. Online, being the GLARING one.

I also have had a 360 since launch and love it as well.

I like both my machines for different reasons. But I am certainly not blind to see that the Wii could improve in SO many areas. Luckily, most can be fixed on current systems. More online games, the ability to play VC games off SD cards, etc.

Seriously folks, admitting the Wii could use some improvement and has flaws is NOT admitting its a bad console or you made a poor choice in purchasing it.
Please your just being a reverse Fanboy... getting upset and saying anything to deflect something you dont like

of course there online isnt the best specially compared to Xbox the veteran of online gaming, but with that you have to pay a price for Xbox live...

But we can go on and on about the strong and weak points of each system...

none of them are the best, outdoing another in every way... they are each good at there own little corner of the market... that will probably not change for a while

what im getting sick of is seeing nothing but articles on Wii the current standing leader in the gaming world... you can call it fanboysim all you want.

i think is stupid that the "hardcore xbox/ps3" critics and gamers alike are still pointing fingers at the Wii and how its different from there superior system, instead of pointing fingers at themself and there own console and what they need to do to keep pace with the wii...
i for one love the wii, but and disapointed with the graphics mainly... but you know what if xbox and ps3 doesnt show that its an equally important part of sales, then nintendo might skimp out on graphics again with the next gen... and thats something i dont want...

So why not figure out what we need to do to fix this? because i for one would like next gen consoles to incoporate the best that all of them have to offer,
and not have to pick and choose games and consoles yet again to get a good variety of good games...
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wezeles said:
Totally dude im shut up

i dont hate the PS3 ive said in many post its one of the most top of the line systems made.... but thats also the reason its in last place and will stay there without some brilliant marketing and price cuts.... if anything what they are telling the Wii to do is what PS3 needs to do...

The wii has more Peripherals than any of them... wii fit will be hitting everyware soon, aswell as all the popular 3rd party peripherals, they are trying to rush out a rockband for the wii now cause they had no clue of its popularity untill it was too late...

PS3 on the other hand offers little extra For the money you spend.. you can get the same games on a 360 with better online play.. and a way better price

Sony needs needs needs to come out with this crazy new eye toy thats all there is too it, they say its recognition software will put game play at levels close to the Wii's... once i see that with more than a couple games ill go buy a ps3 myself...

Ive also said they need to remarket the PS3 twards the entire family not just the gamers... to the Dads for Blue Ray and there HD videos, As a Game console for the kids, and if you get eyetoy it might be interactive enough mom will even play... but Sony still thinks it dominated with "hardcore fans" When the fact is sony had more casual gamers than any of the other 2 consoles with ps2... and now they are loosing these gamers over to the Wii...

untill then its only the devoted fan base "fanboys" that are willing to shell out the cash for this Entertainment System of Sonys, and screwing peope over with backwards compatability issues isnt going to help... untill then the only hope for sony is
a 300 dollar price tag console that is also backwards compatibal to the ps2 and has enough memory that the normal gamer wont fill it...

only 10% of the population even has HD...
No one cares about blue ray and no one ever will its not a selling point to Hardly anyone....Thats why to squeeze out the extra sales they need to market this to the people who like top of the line entertainment systems not just gamers... as the cheeper blueray player...

to me DVD of anykind is outdated physical memory...
I download all my HD content right to my DVR i havent bought a DVD in months let alone spent twice as much on an HDdvd or Blueray... and most people with a complete HD entertainment center would say the same thing.. and thats the Reason why HDdvd and blueray sales have been, and will always have small sales... combined total sales of all HDDVD and Blue ray titles is still less than the Titanic on DVD...

Sad but true open your eyes dude.. im talking buisness not fanboyism...
and to benefit me all 3 companies need to do well.. the more supply and demand the lower prices are for everything and that benefits me... no one needs to crticise
The Wii when its in First place... people should be looking at what the loosing brands are doing wrong and try to fix that...

The reason why you can make these arguments is because of Wii's sales. If the wii was 10 million would everyone still think that the PS3 is doing horrible. The PS3 had a good first year.
I agree. I don't dislike the wii for it's shortcomings. Right now all I hear from people is that it's not a 'primary' console. Meaning that people buy the wii in addition to having an XBOX or PS3. That makes sense to me only because of the number of titles and graphic bottleneck that the wii suffers from.

I really don't see the whole Wii vs Xbox/PS3 debate. The real battle is between XBOX and PS3 because both are comparable. The wii is a different animal entirely. While it lacks in GFX it surpasses in gameplay and interactivity.

I wonder if Nintendo will ever "GASP" merge with MSOFT. And either sell two different systems or consolidate into some sort of super xbox. I mean both companies are here in Redmond. I don't really think they are as aggressive to each other as most may think.
wezeles said:
Please your just being a reverse Fanboy... getting upset and saying anything to deflect something you dont like

of course there online isnt the best specially compared to Xbox the veteran of online gaming, but with that you have to pay a price for Xbox live...

But we can go on and on about the strong and weak points of each system...

none of them are the best, outdoing another in every way... they are each good at there own little corner of the market... that will probably not change for a while

what im getting sick of is seeing nothing but articles on Wii the current standing leader in the gaming world... you can call it fanboysim all you want.

i think is stupid that the "hardcore xbox/ps3" critics and gamers alike are still pointing fingers at the Wii and how its different from there superior system, instead of pointing fingers at themself and there own console and what they need to do to keep pace with the wii...
i for one love the wii, but and disapointed with the graphics mainly... but you know what if xbox and ps3 doesnt show that its an equally important part of sales, then nintendo might skimp out on graphics again with the next gen... and thats something i dont want...

So why not figure out what we need to do to fix this? because i for one would like next gen consoles to incoporate the best that all of them have to offer,
and not have to pick and choose games and consoles yet again to get a good variety of good games...

Don't you think the reason that you sit so many articles about the Wii is because this is a Wii forum? Trust me when I say I see plenty of articles talking about the flaws for Xbox. Before it was about the hardware failures of Xbox which still haunts me since I still own the old version of Xbox which luckily hasn't messed up yet. Also I see plenty of complaints about lack of games for japanese gamers. Now days its been about the Xbox Live downtime since christmas. Apparently since christmas with the millions of new live users it has been creating problems on the servers which they are currently fixing. There has been ALOT of complaints. Where do I hear all this? On Xbox forums of course. So if your gonna hear/see complaints about Wii, its a good chance you will find it here because people will see it and post it. Chances are a Xbox player will not post this article in a Xbox forums since they dont play the Wii.
Well in rebutal to the Substance over Quality section:

Since when has Nintendo's software offerings been anything but pure quality?
The wii 'needs' nothing at all. Why can't you people understand that?

Everything and anything that Nintendo gives to us we should recieve thankfully, because they could very easily stop releasing channels and perifials right now and still win the console war.
T3kNi9e said:
Don't you think the reason that you sit so many articles about the Wii is because this is a Wii forum? Trust me when I say I see plenty of articles talking about the flaws for Xbox. Before it was about the hardware failures of Xbox which still haunts me since I still own the old version of Xbox which luckily hasn't messed up yet. Also I see plenty of complaints about lack of games for japanese gamers. Now days its been about the Xbox Live downtime since christmas. Apparently since christmas with the millions of new live users it has been creating problems on the servers which they are currently fixing. There has been ALOT of complaints. Where do I hear all this? On Xbox forums of course. So if your gonna hear/see complaints about Wii, its a good chance you will find it here because people will see it and post it. Chances are a Xbox player will not post this article in a Xbox forums since they dont play the Wii.

Having been a 360 owner since launch, I could list a dozen complaints about the 360.

I could start with the fact, I am on my 4th console (went through 3 of them in the first 6 months). Last one has been rock solid.

I could go in to the ridiculous cost of the majority of download content.

Trust me, I could go on.

The 360 has plenty of flaws as well, but this isn't the forum to list them. I have been pretty active on the official 360 forums and have vented THERE. And believe me, there are TONS of articles on there putting the 360 down.

This is primarily a Wii forum, so this is where you will see these types of articles posted. Get over it people.

If you don't acknowledge the faults in the Wii, what incentive does Nintendo have to ever fix them?

So once again, we agree T3k.
Yes Bumble14 all of those games are boring to me.

"Halo 3(slow), Mass Effect(rather watch the old star track), Rainbow Six Vegas(slow), Call of Duty 4(i'd rather play quake wars on the PC), Uncharted(props on the xbrush work though), The Orange Box(good game got it on PC), Gears of War(slow), Warhawk(the only thing that I even remotly think about playing on the box), BioShock(yeap PC), GRAW, Ratchet and Clank Future(easier than mario galaxies? I've played it and please tell me it gets harder), Oblivion(come on this game is like oregon trial with sword)" Yep boring... I mean really shooters like that don't even challenge me any more unless I'm playing with vets. I still play quake, UT and stats wise I have been ranked first online many times. To put it simply there is no replay value in those games on the console to me. They play incredibly easy. The only one that could hold a candle to what I play was golden eye for the N64. The level design was really really good.Or better yet try play metroidprime3 it can be a real *****! Lord help you if they make a hunters for the Wii! Really halo is way too easy also... and the only thing that makes it hard is the constant yelling. I mean I'm not paying for that. I like my games really hard even it they don't have a story. I watch movies and read books for that stuff and not I don't need HD dvd or blue rays, My tv up scales just fine. Most PC gamers like me love the Wii the most for the pointer really and all it is going to take is some one to tweak fps controls even more. We are not graphic whore yet we are Frames per second whores. I know lots of people that play quake at 800x600 on 3ghz boxes with 8800 just to get a steady 400 frames during game play if the server allows it.

The AI on those games still suck. You may be wowed by them yet I'm not. I've played them with friends and they all still suck. Thats why they still have online play. I don't care about rewards. When Ai can effectively make me make a mistake then I will give it my blessing. J/K yet no the Ai still has a long way to go. I've been playing these game since doom1 and beyond online and off and they still lack tactics.

Now if these games where not online and shooters then maybe they would have a better chance of having good AI in my eyes.

Also too gears of war moves so slow I could shoot people in the knee caps and make them fall and shot them selves. Not really but thats how slow it moves to me. I want a fast FPS... You know when people are shooting at you you tend to run like your life depends on it...LOL.

There are lots of people like me out there right now. We are not wowed just by normal mapping any more. In fact we see the bad art direction and why it's not WOWing every one.

The Whizz bang graphics ware off when exposed to it so much even in the crappy games. You may not understand where I'm coming from yet the HD systems had a lot to live up too and I don't think developers where even ready for them yet. Hey but I'm glad you guys have lots to play.

This is only my opinion ok? I would like more art direction rather than shaders.
I honestly do not understand why some of you want the wii to be the exact same console as the 360/PS3.

1.) Why does the wii need a fully fleshed out online like xbox live? Who cares? If owning a system with outstanding online gameplay is your priority, don't you already own a 360?

2.) Why does wii need to run in HD? Sure it would look great, but didn't you already know before buying your wii that it wasn't HD? If you own an HD Tv, and HD gaming is a priority to you, don't you already own a PS3/360?

I got a wii for the motion controls, classic nintendo games, updates on nintendo games (mario galaxy, zelda TP, metroid prime 3, etc). I bought my xbox 360 because I have an HD Tv, wanted to play games online with buddies, and wanted an online community. Last time I checked Nintendo stated from the very first day that the wii didn't run hd, and that the wii wasn't going to be an "online" system in the sense of the I guess I jsut can't understand why you guys are complaining??

That being said, we will be getting some online games in Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart in the near future, and I'm sure the gaming online will only get better. It's a pretty basic set-up, but who really I said before- if your gaming priorities were HD, and Online, then why'd you buy a wii? The wii is fine how it is, and if Nintendo decides to give us more, then lucky us!, but until then stop complaining....

Maybe you guys should go buy the system that best fits your gaming priorities instead of knocking Nintendo?? Just a thought.
jimbo said:
a ffs can all the fanboys f off im begining to hate u T3kNi9e

its just everytime you post its something about the wii being non-superior to the ps360.

we all no that 90% of us new what the wii could and couldnt do.

and because every1 didnt expect it to sell as much your all moaning that it crap becase you losing the war.

if your 360 so much better go play halo 3 or cod4 but just get of the forums before i bring out shotgun and hunt you down ( this goes for everyone) :mad5:

(and xbox live f'ed up right now (im in an xbox360 clan even thoghu i dont own a 360) and out of 20 members 10 are think ing of getting taking it back for ps3)

WOW man that sucks. Man for it to be a paid service this sucks even worst. As most of these games are not fun with out online play. Well the big ones any way thats just the nature of the FPS though.

It's really funny how all these people think the Wii needs some thing to survive. It out sold every thing except the DS with simple graphics. it is the only system that people actually go out and buy after playing it. Thats saying some thing.

Hey but say what you will because what is funny is nintendo didn't need any advice to become what they are right now.

Untill the masses start looking at HD graphics and saying that it's more than just a better resolution and effects at a premium then the Wii will just keep doing what they have planned.

Nintendo stopped telling people their plans a long time ago and now they are worst because we all know factor 5 may have had some thing to do with sony's motion based controller.

Face it if nintendo ever gets the hardcore hooked then it is completely over as people will be like hey I got what I want why should I pay more?

Hey online play is cool yet really it's a crutch and a mighty fun crutch for real game play, Ai and what ever else.

But it's nice to see gamers are still so hopefully for their platforms. I'm also glad you guys are having fun and more people are willing to pay more to play games. It's really good for R&D ya know.
Bumble14 said:
I honestly do not understand why some of you want the wii to be the exact same console as the 360/PS3.

1.) Why does the wii need a fully fleshed out online like xbox live? Who cares? If owning a system with outstanding online gameplay is your priority, don't you already own a 360?

2.) Why does wii need to run in HD? Sure it would look great, but didn't you already know before buying your wii that it wasn't HD? If you own an HD Tv, and HD gaming is a priority to you, don't you already own a PS3/360?

I got a wii for the motion controls, classic nintendo games, updates on nintendo games (mario galaxy, zelda TP, metroid prime 3, etc). I bought my xbox 360 because I have an HD Tv, wanted to play games online with buddies, and wanted an online community. Last time I checked Nintendo stated from the very first day that the wii didn't run hd, and that the wii wasn't going to be an "online" system in the sense of the I guess I jsut can't understand why you guys are complaining??

That being said, we will be getting some online games in Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart in the near future, and I'm sure the gaming online will only get better. It's a pretty basic set-up, but who really I said before- if your gaming priorities were HD, and Online, then why'd you buy a wii? The wii is fine how it is, and if Nintendo decides to give us more, then lucky us!, but until then stop complaining....

Maybe you guys should go buy the system that best fits your gaming priorities instead of knocking Nintendo?? Just a thought.

It's simple they can't buy the other system. I'll spend like $2,000 in the next few months building another PC for fun and work. Not may people can do that and not many people can buy a $250system + $270-$400xbox(what ever version) and live and then expect to buy some games. All gamers don't have nice jobs and the ones that do will buy what they want yet if you look at the sales of a lot of games they are actually not doing as good as they should because gamers buying power is spread out among lots of games.

It's the same thing that happened to PC gaming... people just can't keep up if you keep raising the price. $200-$300 has always been the sweet spot for all consoles.

They may want but simply can not afford. Now once you start making that console part of the families entertainment then you start working with a larger budget.

Also too if the Wii did offer online and HD graphics it would actually stop it from selling to the Wii sports and future wii fit fans. Which would be stupid.
jimbo said:
a ffs can all the fanboys f off im begining to hate u T3kNi9e

its just everytime you post its something about the wii being non-superior to the ps360.

we all no that 90% of us new what the wii could and couldnt do.

and because every1 didnt expect it to sell as much your all moaning that it crap becase you losing the war.

if your 360 so much better go play halo 3 or cod4 but just get of the forums before i bring out shotgun and hunt you down ( this goes for everyone) :mad5:

(and xbox live f'ed up right now (im in an xbox360 clan even thoghu i dont own a 360) and out of 20 members 10 are think ing of getting taking it back for ps3)

Im not a fanboy, I just know what fun is. The Wii needs to improve and thats that. Shut the hell up with your stupid ass threats. You think I give a **** about what you think. Btw, yes I do go play my Xbox over my Wii, I guess its my fault Wii doesn't have anything good worth getting except SSBB and Mario Kart... Yeah, I MUST be a fanboy!

I cant believe you threaten someone over the internet with a shotgun, as if owning a shotgun is so shocking OMG!! HE OWNS A SHOTGUN! Any 18 year old can legally buy a shotgun, you probably can't even shoot one, let alone have the balls to shoot anyway you fag. Go cry more because you can't take critizism.
Bumble14 said:
I honestly do not understand why some of you want the wii to be the exact same console as the 360/PS3.

1.) Why does the wii need a fully fleshed out online like xbox live? Who cares? If owning a system with outstanding online gameplay is your priority, don't you already own a 360?

2.) Why does wii need to run in HD? Sure it would look great, but didn't you already know before buying your wii that it wasn't HD? If you own an HD Tv, and HD gaming is a priority to you, don't you already own a PS3/360?

I got a wii for the motion controls, classic nintendo games, updates on nintendo games (mario galaxy, zelda TP, metroid prime 3, etc). I bought my xbox 360 because I have an HD Tv, wanted to play games online with buddies, and wanted an online community. Last time I checked Nintendo stated from the very first day that the wii didn't run hd, and that the wii wasn't going to be an "online" system in the sense of the I guess I jsut can't understand why you guys are complaining??

That being said, we will be getting some online games in Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart in the near future, and I'm sure the gaming online will only get better. It's a pretty basic set-up, but who really I said before- if your gaming priorities were HD, and Online, then why'd you buy a wii? The wii is fine how it is, and if Nintendo decides to give us more, then lucky us!, but until then stop complaining....

Maybe you guys should go buy the system that best fits your gaming priorities instead of knocking Nintendo?? Just a thought.

Thank you! You have stated very effectivly what I have been thinking all along. Again, thank you.
ummm people have been wiggling the standard joypads and joysticks for like 20 + years and are still going, so i think the Wii mote wiggling has a long way to go.....