UK and Europe launch December 8 2006, priced at £179 (249 Euros)

i think that 179 will be see as too much by alot of non-gamers,

i dont it will encourage non-gamers to buy it and i dont think it will mean that a Wii is in every household

to put it simply its too much money, i was expecting £150
I dont think it is that expensive really, when PSP launched here in the UK it was £180, the same price as the Wii...and PSP was only a handheld!!

For that same price, we get the Nintendo Wii bundled with Wiimote, Nunchuk a stand AND Wii Sports...without Wii sports (which costs around £35) Wii would cost around £ I think its pretty good value to be honest.
Yeah I didn't notice Wii Sports with it too (originally didn't notice) so say Wii sports costs £30.. that reduces it to £149 max.. which is about how much i thought Wii alone would be anyway.. so.. s'all good :D:D:D:D:D
@ Wiired; ur right, lol if u look at it that way.


Date made me kinda sad :(

but OMFG!! £179 is ****ing cheaper than a PSP at launch. might not have to buy it myself, i'll just brag for it for christmas like a 5 year old :p

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Napalmbrain said:
Woohoo, we finally have a date! Nice to know Wii games will be cheaper than other consoles too. :yesnod:

I wonder if I can get it cheaper if I don't care about Wii Sports (I'm only going to end up selling it anyway)?

Nice going brainer!

Who do you think will buy it from you when it comes bundled with every Wii????
Ofcource you can always go to Japan and sell it there for 5€
Wiired said:
Pfff.. i must admit.. i moaned about the price.. for as good as 4 seconds? Then i went straight on and got it :)

me to!!!:smilewinkgrin:
well ... the good thing about the date is .. now i can buy a wii at launch!!!!
cauze if it came in october/November i would'nt have the money yet.
AND i won't have to buy anything else then the wii package since wii sports is with it!! and wii sport might not be as god as TP but i earn 50$ every forth
week, so four week's later! then i'l buy Twilight princess :D OMG
i'm so exited:p!! now i'l just try to preorder my wii WITHOUT my mom to notice:p lol she canselled my first two pre-orders.. :lol:
im a tiny bit P**sed about the date i wanted it aleast before december because THE EVIL CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS they are evil because one knocked my out to get a gamecube before i did ended up waiting a week untill i could get one then 3 years later it was destoryed be my friend but i got revenge and ended up with a new gamecube and a apoligy and thank you note from his mum he actually get on with his life because he ps2 is gone :lol:
I figured it out.. that I'll havta wait for... this School term to end (October summin), then have that Half Term.. then almost a Whole other term.. til i get my Wii... and putting it like that... thats a long time :tard:
I'll have to wait 17 days longer than you guys as the wife is buying it for me for Christmas and she's going to keep hold of it till the 25th! At least I know what I'll be doing on Crimbo Day now.