EA lets slip Wii launch titles no more than $49.99


Apr 30, 2006
In a recent conference call an EA rep let slip a few little tidbits regarding its scheduled Wii titles.

"...we have ramped up [game] production for the Wii and DS Lite' following significant excitement over the Nintendo-created consoles at E3."

The EA representative then went onto say that at launch the Wii titles will cost no more than $49.99 (39 euros, £26). Whether or not this price will stick is anyones guess but it does tie in with earlier reports of Nintendo's plans to encourage lower game pricing.

source: http://consoles.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/10032/
That is what I hoped and figures. $49.99 for the huge big new releases and $39.99 average for the rest.
Y not? This has been expected all along, and u know Miyamoto always thinking of the customers...Go Miyamoto!
Not that hard, just do some things for ppl, if u live in a neighborhood. If not get job(it's hard when u'r 14 though:sick:)
ssbb_lover said:
Not that hard, just do some things for ppl, if u live in a neighborhood. If not get job(it's hard when u'r 14 though:sick:)

lol I remember when I was 14... hardly had any resources to buy my own games with lol other than some pocket money. Now that I'm 20 and have a job (nothing too great, just working at a supermarket, but the pays alright and the cheques never bounce :p ) means I'm self sufficient when it comes to purchases and gaming. As far as the pricing goes, $49.99 USD sounds about right, I've heard that number thrown around for the Wii games before, and it works out to be around $65.3037 AUD (courtesy of http://www.forex.ch/converter.htm) which is much more reasonable than the predicted $150 USD for each PS3 game.
not realy new news considering nintendo already said that they won't be more then $50. Plus on bestbuy.com all the wii games show there price as less then $50
No names of the games then.
Only want tiger woods

ssbb_lover said:
Not that hard, just do some things for ppl, if u live in a neighborhood. If not get job(it's hard when u'r 14 though:sick:)
in before paper round (had one once for a mounth)
but if theres a market near by try asking on there

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