Unidentified beautiful wii game


WiiChat Member
May 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
This is the best looking wii game. I cant speak german though, so it might be false... ethier way this game looks awesome and amazing graphics too.:D
Here it is
At first I thought it was FF:Crystal Chronicles...but now I'm not so sure. Looks beautiful though! Especially the city scene.
very interesting...
It might be "Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors", the mysterious launch title for the wii.
UPDATE: I believe this to be a fake, the site that those pictures are from has as its article heading "Miyamotos neues Megaprojekt? *UPDATE: FAKE!!*"

Sad but true, and it looked so beautiful to T_T
The second image looks a lot like "Skies of Arcadia" for Sega Dreamcast... but more than likely this is not a sequel or anything... (though it would be nice) The concept art does seem to be real though. This is some kind of game for some system, looks nice though... Hopefully a great RPG.

- Scythe
ssbb_lover said:
It might be "Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors", the mysterious launch title for the wii.

Its a mistery launch title but i think the most mistery title is dysaster day of crisis, cause just have a 5 sec video!
ssbb_lover said:
It might be "Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors", the mysterious launch title for the wii.
I don't think this is the Dragon Quest game becasue i saw the E3 trailer and the graphics for the game look more cartoonish then realistic like those graphics.

Thx for clearing that up Wii_Rulez, I never watched the trailer. Though the title of the game does fit the screenshots. Man those shots make me want to buy thhat game...publicity has it's toll on me once again!
The pictures are from "Through The Mobius Strip" a cg movie that recently appeared at the Cannes Film Festival.
Even if that game is real - those pictures are likely just concept art and not screen shots. The real game will not look that good - maybe cut scenes will -but who cares about cut scenes.

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