Unreal engine 4 in development


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code

Who would have thought that, after making three successful Unreal engines, Epic would make another? During a recent visit to Epic's offices, several noticed a pile of Beautiful Mindesque scribbles on programmer Tim Sweeney's desk. And that crazy scribble, my friends, was confirmed to be the early strings of code for the Unreal 4 engine. Those little pencil markings will become headshots, chainsawed bodies and probably even ponies and crap.

Then again, it's not like these companies are conjuring engines out of thin air. If you want a first look at the Unreal 4 engine, just take a glance at Unreal 3...and apparently a trip past Tom Sweeney's desk won't hurt, either. Because until we have Barbie's next adventure with real solid plastic boob physics, that much will have to do.


Wow... The Unreal engines have all been really good and succesful, and Unreal engine 3 has had some amazing games with it, namely gears of war and UT3. The ever rumoured UE4 is confirmed for development, looks like the next generation is coming quicker then we thought...

With UE4 coming, Crytek 2 here and some unamed but rumoured powerful engines we are in for a hell of a ride.
Cry 2 enigne is still the winner in my opinion. However the Id Tech 5 engine looks amazing as well.

ID tech is openGL based and on mac so that already puts it pretty high up there for me, plus it will offer developers alot.

I would really like to see valve come up with somthing more then just small improvments for half life, the source engine, but it looks like i may have to wait a while for this. Half life 2 Ep:2 just came out and then half life 2 Ep:3 looks like it should come out too soon. I think Half life 3 should be really amazing though, just like what half life 2 was like in 2004

Even with the current engine, they are doing amazing things, but I would really like to see it come nativly to mac.