Virtual Boy

Baahahaa. Good point. I played one at a mall once. Gave me a headache after five minutes. Never even considered buying one.
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I got one dont give me a headache played on it for over a hour
I use to work in a place where we use to send iteams people didnt want anymore to 3rd world countrys i'e house clearence's and thing's.Anyway one day i'm there sortin through everything when i notice a a black bag in the shape of a box.So i open it to find a fully working perfect condition boxed Virtual Boy with three games(also boxed and in perfect condition).So i straight away put it in my locker then took it home played it for a few hours got a spliting headache then got sacked for stealing.Then had to sell it as i was skint.Bloody thing gave me a migrane got me sacked then left me gutted when i had to part with it.Still i got 800 pound so not a total lose.
I just notice it exist cause I live in a country where it never reached, and it was only made for japan and US so I have never seen played... and I noticed it like a month ago
I think they did research on it, placed it on the market as an experiment and then when it fell through (cuz it sucked) they ditched it. Companies always have to try new things to gain the upper hand over competition. Nintendo is doing it now, but with much better results, because you won't get headaches from how the visuals are displayed. You may throw a controller or two by shaking it to hard and it slipping from your hand...but that is a very good marketing thing for Nintendo, they'll be selling a lot of controllers, lol.
Dav_4550 said:
You may throw a controller or two by shaking it to hard and it slipping from your hand...but that is a very good marketing thing for Nintendo, they'll be selling a lot of controllers, lol.

Two words, my friend: super glue. Wiimote24Connect = Hardcore:D

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